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It's Sunday. The day where everyone will return home and spend the rest of their summer break on their own. Doing anything they want.

The clock shows it's 8AM at the moment. They all have about 3 hours before they have to gather at the huge field then get on the bus and head back to Seoul.

As usual, Seonghwa's the one who's preparing the breakfast with the help from Yunho while the rest are still asleep, just about to start packing or already dressed up for breakfast.

"Do you want to make sunny side up egg for the fried rice?" Yunho asked as Seonghwa nodded.

The tall boy opened up the fridge and took 8 eggs out to fry. But of course, washing it first before cracking it into the pan then frying it just the way everyone likes it.

A few minutes later, everyone was called down to have their breakfast together at the dining table.

"So what's everyone's plan for summer once we're back?" Hongjoong asked.

"I'm just gonna sleep... To recover all those sleepless nights from school." Mingi answered making everyone laugh.

"Feels like everyone's just gonna sleep and do nothing once we arrive back in Seoul." Seonghwa added with a chuckle.

"I think I might go to Namhae and visit my parents." San spoke up. "It's been awhile since my parents and I met them so there's a high chance of me not being in Seoul for a bit." The boy added.

Everyone told their possible plans for the summer break throughout the whole time at the dining room while also finishing up their foods.

Once they've all had finished eating, plates were passed to Mingi and Hongjoong to clean it up. The boys then headed to their room to continue whatever they were doing before being called downstairs to eat.

"Hwaa?? Have you seen-"

"No Joong, I haven't seen your headphones, phone, earrings, accessories, belts or anything that belongs to you~! I told you to keep everything in your room and in one place! Is it that hard to follow?"

"Dang it. I just wanted to ask if you've seen my favorite ring and I got a lecture.."

Chaotic per usual in this house. But that's just their natural habitat. Not a day goes by without at least one scream, one lecture or a beating.

Everyone packed their stuffs up and cleaned the house they live in for a week all the way till it was 10.45AM. Then off they go, leaving the house and walking back to the field they're all supposed to gather at and wait for the buses to arrive.

It didn't took long for the bus to arrive. Just about 10 minutes after everyone had gathered it arrived. All students put their luggages at the storage in the bus then entered the vehicle they're told to enter.

For the eight boys, all of them was in the same bus. They chose to sit at the seats at the back of the bus where they could be together and whenever they're bored, they could just disturb each other. As usual.

Since the ride home was going to be long, everyone decided to just do their own things and not play games just yet. Y'know, to save energy although it will be drained from the long journey in the hot weather of summer.

All of the students in their bus had their headphones and earphones in, listening to songs of their choice even though the bus driver had the radio on, playing random songs.

Unhappy Ending - ATEEZ | A WooSanSang Story |Where stories live. Discover now