𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙙 𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙠

978 49 8


A new week has started. Sure it wasn't fun since school was still ongoing but at least it's good to know that time is actually passing by and they could get closer to holidays and at least get a break.

Classes will start in another 30 minutes which means the students of Seoul High School have their free time to do whatever they want which also means the school will be a little noisy since students would visit one another's class to chat with their friends or joke around and it has always been that way during the morning of this school.

However, the level of the school that was for the Sophomores were a little noisier than it usually is. Mainly because of all the girls that was squealing over a new student that is entering their school today.

"I heard his father is a taekwondo teacher!"

"Do you know, he has a third degree black belt in taekwondo!!"

"Some kids said he has a very sharp cheekbone and jawline because of his skinny face, ah~ He must be so handsome!!"

"I wonder if he's taken... I wanna date him so badly!"

At first the informations about this new kid was only between the teachers but then there was a daughter to a teacher who also happened to be the gossip girl of the school. Eventually, she got the info's and the news spread out.

Except for his name, very personal informations and which class he was going to be in.

Now, the 5 boys are in Wooyoung and Yeosang's class. Usually they would hang out at Yunho and Hongjoong's class since the atmosphere is fun there and because they have many of their childhood buddies in that class.

But not today. Almost all of the boys from the grade 10 are in Wooyoung and Yeosang's classroom. Why, you wonder?

Because in Yunho and Hongjoong's class is where all the girls are in now, squealing over a boy they've never even met and are fangirling like crazy.

Screams from the girls could be heard from the class all the boys are gathered in which made them sigh since some of them are in a relationship yet their girlfriends decide to go crazy over an unknown boy.

"Any of you know about who the hell is this new dude?" Jongho asked in annoyance totally hating this hype of a new kid who barely stepped foot into the school.

"From the things I've heard, he is a child to a taekwondo teacher and has a black belt in it" answered Wooyoung.

"Has a body of a stick." Mingi added with an emotionless tone which made the others looked at him.

"It's just from what I heard" he defended.

"What about his name?" Seonghwa asked earning shrugs from 6 others.

"So he's a nameless stick shaped boy with a black belt? Sounds like some sort of cartoon character" Yeosang said.

The boys laughed at his statement. They knew Yeosang wasn't joking which made it funnier. A little scary since it wasn't a joke but someone's honesty sometimes are just too funny.

They continued with their conversation and probably roasting the newcomer of the school.

30 minutes of having fun then ended and it was time for class. Everyone headed back to their respective classes and stayed seated till their teacher entered.

For Wooyoung and Yeosang's class, their homeroom teacher came in but wasn't alone. She was followed by a boy.

He had a black hair that was styled up neatly, a slim figure, sharp face features along with a black backpack.

Everyone's curiosity disappeared when they remembered about the hot news that was being spread this morning. He was the new student.

The class monitor took the lead to greet their homeroom teacher then was followed by the others and then was seated.

"Alright guys, this is your new friend. Since he is new, I hope all of you help him to tour around the school and get him to know more about it okay?" says the teacher.

Everyone nodded. Oh sorry not everyone, my mistake. Everyone except Jung Wooyoung.

"Ah, would you please introduce yourself to the class" asked the teacher to the new student who nodded with a smile.

"Hello! My name is Choi San! I was originally schooling in Namhae but since my dad had to move here for work, me and my family followed along. I hope we can all get along and be good friends! Thank you!" he bowed.

While San was introducing himself, everyone looked at him mostly the girls. Totally interested with him. However there was one person who was looking at him in a rather different way which is Wooyoung.

There was something more than just being interested in him. As if hearts was in his eyes. He was staring at him from his seat which is far at the back.

Yeosang saw the sight of Wooyoung staring at something. He thought Wooyoung was daydreaming so he shook his friend softly to make him come back to reality.

"You're daydreaming again, wake up" whispered Yeosang.

San was then told to sit next to a student at the front line since the place was empty.

Lesson started and yet Wooyoung was still hooked on San. He did wrote his notes down but that was only when the teacher was looking at them to check if there are any students were talking. While Wooyoung was basically checking San out from the back silently, Yeosang focused on the class.

San's name was running all over in Wooyoung's mind. The boy knows he is very interested in the other. Much more interested in him rather than anything else in this world. And he knew he needed to get to know him in order to get closer.

Which probably would lead to an answer Wooyoung had been asking himself since the first time he set eyes on San.

Is he the one?


End of Chapter 5.


Unhappy Ending - ATEEZ | A WooSanSang Story |Where stories live. Discover now