𝙒𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚

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Several months have passed. Jongho had been released from the hospital, fully recovered from any minor injuries he had when he jumped off the bridge. Wooyoung's friendship with Jongho that was once awkward has now turned back to the way it used to be before. San and Yeosang became close to each other. Seonghwa and Hongjoong still maintained as the parents of the group whilst Yunho and Mingi just remained as how they were then. No changes for them.

As for Yeosang and Jongho, they too got closer to each other. The pair started spending quite amount of times hanging out together when they couldn't hang out as group. However, they were still not a couple.

For this case, Yeosang decided to just be like friends with benefits for a bit. It was because he decided that he wanted to focus on his studies at the moment and wanted to start dating once they were seniors in high school since it's their final year as high school students that time.

Jongho agreed and respected Yeosang's decision to just remain as friends for now. After all, he too didn't wanted to be distracted while studying and being in a relationship. He was worried that it'll mess with his focus to study.

And so they remained just like that. They still kiss, cuddle, snuggle and clinged onto each other just like any couples do. Due to this, of course their best buddies would always tease them while also fanboying over them.

The cuteness was too much to handle.

Winter has now arrived. Students are now on their winter break, free from school, it's now time to relax in the comfort of their home and stay warm, wearing cozy clothes while sipping on a cup of warm hot chocolate or milk. Not to forget, it is time to prepare for Christmas. The time of the year everyone can't wait to celebrate.

Little bits of snow fell down gracefully from the sky, hitting the  ground that is now filled with thick fluffy white snow. The wind is cold but not hard like previous days. The sun was able to shine today making the scenery of Korea even more beautiful.

Today is a day before Christmas. By now, everyone have probably finished decorating their house, getting presents, bake a whole lot of Christmas desserts such as cinnamon roll, chocolate chip cookies, gingerbread cookies and many others, prepared ingredients to cook delicious meal on the next day and most importantly, finished decoraing the tree.

Different Christmas carols are being played in Jongho's house. The boy had plans for today which is spending the whole day with his dearest Yeosang. It's been a while since they hung out ever since the break started.

The two planned their day out today. First thing they're going to do at noon is going to the ice skating rink. Back then, they would go skating together with the others but unfortunately this year some weren't spending the Christmas in Seoul instead at their own hometowns leaving only Yeosang and Jongho together. It's not like they'll gomplain about it since the two of them are head over heels for each other. This was just giving them free opportunities to go on a date basically.

At 1pm, they both met up at the entrance of the local central park where the skating rink is. Seeing each other made them immediately pulled each other into a long warm hug then they entered the place, registering and getting their shoes. Once they put on the garments needed, hand in hand, together they entered the cold wide rink.

Surprisingly today, it wasn't very crowded which was obviously good. They could skate free without really worrying about bumping into strangers which would make anyone feel very embarassed.

It only took them a few minutes to get used to the slippery surface. Once they got their balance, that's when they went wild on the rink. Skating everywhere, feeling so free as the cold breeze hit their skin. However since it was getting cold after staying in the rink for a while, they then left the place after an hour and fifteen minutes.

Unhappy Ending - ATEEZ | A WooSanSang Story |Where stories live. Discover now