𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙠 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚

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The boys bid their goodbyes to one another.

Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Hongjoong walked back home together since they live in the same neighbourhood while Mingi, Yeosang and Jongho walked together because of the same reason.

Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Hongjoong's walk.

The three boys were laughing as they walked together after cracking up some stupid jokes to each other.

The mood calmed down a little and Seonghwa asked a very surprising question to Wooyoung.

"Yah Wooyoung, you and Yeosang have been friends for a while. Have you never once caught feelings for him?"

Wooyoung wasn't surprised with the fact Seonghwa asked about him liking a guy since all of them came out in middle school during a campfire the school held.

But instead, Wooyoung was surprised that Seonghwa asked about if he ever liked Yeosang, his first buddy.

Sure it made sense for two buddies who have been friends for years to catch feelings but that didn't happen to Wooyoung somehow.

"Nope, never. I just have never once pictured him as like someone more than a brother or a friend" Wooyoung answered.

Seonghwa and Hongjoong looked at him in surprise. Wooyoung and Yeosang were very sweet to each other despite their stupid arguments and how savage they are to each other especially Yeosang.

It basically seemed like those typical 'friends to crushes' relationships. Arguing for no reasons.

"Seriously? Not even a tiny bit??" Hongjoong questioned receiving a nod from Wooyoung.

"Do you have some sort of ideal type or something that's why you're not attracted to him?" Seonghwa asked again.

Wooyoung shook his head and explained.

"I don't have an ideal type. Surprising, yeah I know but I just fall in love with someone who I think is just it. Y'know? For Yeosang, I just fell for him as a friend but nothing across that line"

"Never ever for the past years?" the eldest of the three asked once again which made Wooyoung shook his head once again.

They then dropped the subject and soon arrived at their own houses.

Mingi, Yeosang and Jongho's walk.

The three walked in silence. It's always been like this everytime when they walk back home together whether it's after school, after visiting the Internet café or any of the boy's house.

Afterall, they are well, can be considered as the quietest of the group.

But the silence broke down when Mingi asked Yeosang something.

"Yeosang, have you ever catched feelings for Wooyoung throughout your whole period of knowing him?"

The boy didn't answered instead just continued walking silently as the other two boys looked at him curiously.

"What's wrong? Did I said something wrong?" asked Mingi, worried if his question probably meant the wrong way to Yeosang.

Yeosang shooked his head.

"No no! You didn't it's just... Ugh.. Is it obvious?" the eldest asked as he looked up to his 2 friends.

They were dumbfounded.

What did he meant by "Is it obvious?"

Then it clicked to Jongho.

"Ah! Do you like Wooyoung??" the youngest asked, eager to know the answer.

Yeosang blushed and nodded shyly while the other two was squealing like a girl seeing its celebrity crush but then calmed down.

"It's obvious but at the same time it isn't, does that make sense? It was obvious because you always backup him and is always so sweet to him but then it wasn't obvious because you covered your interest towards him with all of your roasts towards him" Jongho explained.

"But how did you developed feelings for him? Was it love at first sight?" Mingi asked.

Yeosang thought the topic would be dropped after Jongho's explanation but he has this one friend who is always filled with curiosity.

He sighed and explained calmly.

"It wasn't love at first sight. Our first encounter was... I don't know, awkward? I didn't thought I would actually end up being friends with him heck would I thought to have feelings for him but as time passed by, he just became the only person I'm attracted to. Not because of his appearance but his efforts to try becoming friends with me and making me feel comfortable in a new school. Then when we were in our final year of elementary school, that's when I started to look at him as a love interest. Not a friend" Yeosang explained with a smile.

Mingi and Jongho awed at Yeosang's story. As much as it was cringy this is the first time Yeosang actually shared a lot about what he felt and plus it was cute to see their friend who is always roasting his crush, have feelings for him.

Once again, Yeosang blushed at the 'awes'.

"Stop it and don't ever tell anyone about this okay? Especially Wooyoung" Yeosang says earning a nod from Mingi and Jongho.

The three pinky promised each other to keep this as a secret between only them. And if Yeosang were to share about his feelings to the other boys of Ateez, it must be from Yeosang's mouth. Not anyone else's.


End of Chapter 4.


Unhappy Ending - ATEEZ | A WooSanSang Story |Where stories live. Discover now