𝙉𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙨

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Jongho reached his home safely after sending Yeosang to his own.

The moment he entered his house and locked its door, he quickly took out his phone and sent a text to Yeosang, informing the boy that he had reached home safely without any accidents which he then quickly received a reply saying "Okay, have a good rest.".

Jongho walked inside his room, closing the door behind him and taking off his shirt, throwing it into the laundry basket then taking his towel which was hung on one of the clothes hook on his wall.

The boy then head inside his personal bathroom and started taking a long shower after a long day.

The warmth of the water coming from the shower head relaxed Jongho's muscles as it hits his body. It's a long and fun day today for Jongho. The whole day he cycled, walked around and played a lot.

It's probably the most fun he had felt after their pool party at the camp with the other 7 boys. Especially since the whole day was spent with his dearest crush, Kang Yeosang. It definitely made this day much more enjoyable and memorable for him.

After taking a long shower, the boy got out and get changed into some comfortable pajamas and laid down on his bed.

A long loud relieved sigh left his mouth as his back felt the comfort of the bed's mattress and as his head laid gently on the soft fluffy pillow.

Jongho closed his eyes for a bit, continuing to reminisce over what happened earlier today. Was everything that happened just now with Yeosang real? Did he actually saw the other smile and giggle so sincerely after a long while?

It was too good to be true. Jongho was still unable to actually believe everything that was going on really happened in his life. Like, Yeosang grabbing him inside the photobooth and insisted on taking so many pictures then begging to stay at the Han River for a bit to check out the beautiful sunset.

This could've been a dream for Jongho but it isn't. Everything did actually happen. He did saw Yeosang smiling with sincerity. He did heard Yeosang laughing his lungs out full heartedly. He did spent time with Yeosang for a day with joy rather than because the other was depressed over Wooyoung and San.

That didn't happened today.

Hence did Yeosang even thought about the lovebirds today!

The boy was so cheerful and just enjoyed his day for once without using technology. He had fun by going out and doing the usual activities he used to do with the others back in the days.

And that's what every boys of Ateez missed.

Well those who were a part of the group earlier of course.

They all missed the days when homeworks weren't a thing to worry over  and stress about. The days when they could all freely run around, play with each other and just be little kids.

But not anymore. They've all become teenagers who are already studying in high school. In a few more years they'll become young adults who will further their studies in the university overseas or in Korea. Then off they go, busy with works, losing sleep to earn money in order to live comfortably and later on they will be getting married with their loved ones and have their own little family.

Childhood will be something they and everyone shall terribly miss. Even for them, teenagers now misses being children with short legs and all they could think about are fun and games. Oh how they wish they could just turn back the time to their childhood days and just stay in that era. Just like Peter Pan and the lost boys. Never grow up or ever want to grow up.

But oh well, this is life. We live, face hardships, relax at times and soon we die.

Anyways, back to the present. As Jongho was going back through his memories of today he remembered about the two pieces of photo-strip Yeosang gave him when they took the pictures inside the photobooth which made him getting up from the comfort of his bed and walked towards his study desk where his wallet was placed at.

The male took his wallet and went back to his bed. He sat himself down, opening his wallet and taking out the two photo-strips then looking at it.

Jongho smiled as he looked at the images.

Oh how beautiful and ethereal Kang Yeosang looked. As if an angel had came down from heaven to earth, wandering around and trying to get to know how this world works.

Even with a few images, it was enough to make Jongho fell in love deeper with Yeosang. Not only his looks that are beautiful, his heart, personality and everything about him was just so beautiful and perfect for Jongho.

Jongho would sacrifice anything if it was for Yeosang.

However, would Yeosang do the same for Jongho?

This thought ruined Jongho's dreams. Now that he remembered that Yeosang still hasn't moved on just yet. He is still heartbroken over Wooyoung and San. He still has a place for Wooyoung in his heart no matter how badly he was treated till now.

The love just never ends.

It doesn't goes away easily.

And it is true indeed.

Although Yeosang was so cheerful today and forgot about his problems with WooSan, it didn't meant that he had moved on.

Yeosang still have some hatred towards San's existence in his and Wooyoung's life. Yeosang is still hurt from Wooyoung's unfair treatments. Yet, Yeosang still loves him.

He tried forgetting about Wooyoung. He tried forgetting his feelings towards the boy. He tried distracting his feelings from liking and falling for Wooyoung. But it's not easy.

His love towards the male was too strong to be expelled just like that. Which sucks. Because Yeosang wanted to move on. But his ego was too strong. He's always in denial. He always thinks that there'll be a second chance which will give him a good luck and fortune.

When in reality, second chances in the field of love are given to hurt people more.

But Yeosang, being his typical in denial self, doesn't want to accept his fate and keeps on trying.

And his ongoing tries doesn't leads him to anything except ;



End of chapter 24.



from now onwards, my updates will be uploaded at very random timings rather than how it used to be since im busy trying to finish up my online school homeworks for next week since im gonna be in school physically on the 5th :'( 

in April, my updates will be lesser than now or most likely there'll be no updates till mid May (?) because my teachers hyst doesn't have mercy when giving their students works 🙄

also,, this book had received 1k reads-

holy damn wow,, THANK U EVERYONE OMG😭❤️

i love u all so so much and i am very very grateful for every reads, votes and comments given <3

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