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Jongho scoffed hearing the sudden confession.

"This isn't real, it's just a dream right? Your confession is just a dream that I am having right?" He asked, not wanting to have a little faith in any goodness that is happening right now which made sense. He dreamt of having an argument with Yeosang and then the other confessed. But then, it happened to be just a dream of his.

Yeosang on the other hand shook his head.

"This is real. What I said is true. I love you, I have a crush on you and I got over Wooyoung." He says.

"When did you got over him?" Jongho asked and Yeosang immediately answered.

"After we arrived back in Seoul from Busan for the camp. During that few weeks in Seoul where I just stayed at home made me forgot about him and moved on. I found myself liking you after you sent me back home during the evening of the day where we had fun together playing at the arcade, had meals and chilled at the Han River Bridge. I saw you as someone more than a friend since that day. I just never showed it because I felt like I needed to really made sure that I am actually having a crush on you. That's why."

"Was that also why you decided to forgave Woo?"

Yeosang nodded.

Jongho chuckled a little.

"When I jumped down from the bridge, I had a dream. In there, I was getting ready to jump from the bridge but then a voice called my name out, telling me to stop what I was doing so I turned to my right to see whose voice did it belonged to. Guess who was it."


"It was you. Then you ran over to me, pulling my arms making me come down.  I refused to look at your face while you were holding on to me tightly. You asked me what the hell was I thinking to do and what was wrong with me. I said you were the problem. I ranted over how stressed I was seeing you ignoring my feelings and just thinking about yourself. I called you selfish for only thinking about your feelings and not others. We argued, you cried, I was acting cold. Then you fought back, saying that you still did not forget the Jongho you met back in elementary despite being crazy for Wooyoung. You listed all the things from how we met which was when you saw me sitting alone with my basketball along with my broken leg. Then always hearing me belting high notes in the bathroom rather than doing my cleaning duties and the time you cured my injury when I fell during the race. After that you confessed, saying that you love me. Just when I thought that was real, I woke up in this room and the gang came in then explained everything." Jongho paused for a bit then continuing.

"In my dream, you saved me, became my saviour and you confessed to me. And now in reality, you too saved me, became my saviour and confessed to me." He says with a smile as Yeosang also smiled.

"Your dreams gave you some clues I see." The older says with a chuckle at the end with a sentence and the younger too laughed softky with him seeing this situation is a little like deja vu.

"Thank you, Yeosang"

"It's nothing Jjong. You've helped me a lot, it's only fair if I help you too. Anyways, you should sleep. You need the rest to recover quick." Yeosang says as he stood up.

"You're leaving?"

The older shook his head.

"I'll be staying here to watch you overnight. Your parents said it was fine but I insisted since they must be tired from work." He says with a smile as the other smiled too.

Jongho then laid back down on his back as Yeosang pulled the blanket over the younger, tucking him into bed then switching off some if the lights to make the room a little dim. He walked over to Jongho again, wishing the boy goodnight and vice versa. The younger closed his eyes and slowly went to sleep.

Yeosang looked at him and smile while caressing the boy's face. It was him who is admiring the other's soft facial features, taking in the beauty who is sleeping peacefully into his mind and keeping it locked inside.

"I'm sorry for not noticing you sooner." Yeosang says softly then getting up, to rest at the sofa across the room.


Right when he stood up, Jongho held his right hand, making the older turn and pulled him closer then the gap between them closed as their lips connected with each other, having their first kiss.

Yeosang was shocked at the sudden action but then melted into the kiss and accepted it.

It was a soft but long kiss. It was a memorable one.

They broke their kiss and stared into each other. Jongho tucked a strand Yeosang's hair behind his ears, taking a clearer look at the other's features same with Yeosang.

They then said something at the same time.

The word. The sentence that they shall remember forever.

"I love you."


End of chapter 33.


- ayeeee how are you guys feeling with this sweet chapter~?✨❤️
finally right guys?😂 finally its a sweet chapter and not a stressful one haha!

- just a lil question that i need everyone to answer because your opinion matters so so much for this!
> do you guys prefer top yunho or top mingi?

(its for a lil something something *winks* 😉

(i know i posted it already hours ago but i think not many people got the notification so here i am uploading it again!

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