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"The hell are you saying Choi Jongho? What did I even do to Yeosang!?"

As soon as Wooyoung finished that sentence of his, Jongho didn't hesitate to push the other harshly back that Wooyoung lost his balance and fell to the ground.

"You broke his heart you piece of shit! You started to litterally forget and ignore his existence the moment San came into your life! You forget your first buddy! Your childhood buddy! The one who helped you go through all chapters when exam is around the corner! You ignored him just because you're in love! You're a goddamn jerk Jung Wooyoung!" Jongho yelled.

"So!? He doesn't make a fuss about it to me so why are you affected by it!?" The other retaliated which made Jongho furious along with the others while Yeosang on the other hand was sad.

"Do I have to make a fuss about it then you'll care Wooyoung?" Yeosang spoke up from the back, slowly looking up from the ground with tears of sadness and disappointment welled in his eyes.

Wooyoung looked at him in confusion as he saw the tears dropping from Yeosang's eyes.


"I thought you knew me... I thought you'd understand how i feel.. Did our friendship for the past years didn't meant anything to you..? How could you be so ignorant to someone's feelings? You are not the Wooyoung I used to know anymore now... What happened to you..?"

Wooyoung sighed "Why are you even crying for Yeosang?" he said, slowly getting up.

Him still being so clueless made Jongho frustrated that he just decided to say everything he needed to say.

"You bastard, Kang Yeosang has a crush on you! He likes you! He loves you! He has had feelings for you for such a time but you were too blind and stupid to even notice his love!"


Shocked expression was on everyone's face.

Yeosang didn't even bother to be shocked or surpised. He was too disappointed in Wooyoung. His heart is broken again to see who he loves most doesn't even bother to care about his feelings.

Where was the caring Wooyoung he once knew?

Wooyoung looked at Jongho in disbelief. San was speechless at the information he had just heard.

"What did you say?" Wooyoung asked softly, making sure what he heard was correct as Jongho sighed with a mad and also an upset expression on his face. Jongho took a deep breath and repeated his words.

"Yeosang likes you. He has a crush on you for a while. I'll just tell you that. Ask your curiosities away at him."

With that, Jongho adjusted his backpack and walked back home. Not wanting to deal with this anymore further.

Wooyoung looked at Yeosang who took a deep breath and entered the cafe to pack his stuffs then leave. Meanwhile Seonghwa, Hongjoong, Yunho and Mingi are panicking internally.

Is this going to be the end of their friendship? Did that just happened just now? Is everything real right now?

On the other hand, San figured everything out. He now figured as to why Yeosang barely even said a word to him the moment he entered the school. He understood why Yeosang gave him a cold glare when Wooyoung invited him to have recess with the gang on his first day in Seoul High School. It all made sense now. Yeosang's coldness towards him gave him all the answers to his questions.

Right then, the door to the cafe bursted open. Yeosang ran out of the building heading to wherever his heart and feet takes him to. The boys watched him as he goes away.

San ran towards Wooyoung.

"Woo go after him... Don't just let him run off like that please. He's your friend who you've known for years and have a strong bond with... Enough making him disappointed and sad."

Agreeing to San, Wooyoung quickly ran inside the cafe and packed his stuffs too then went after Yeosang. The boy was nowhere to be seen but Wooyoung knows where he is.



That was quite a run Wooyoung did after a while.

"Welcome to Cherry Blossom Park." Wooyound read the sign.

There he was. Standing in front of the entrance to the park that held many memories of Yeosang and him. This was the place they'd always have their playdates at back in elementary school and during the cherry blossom season, this is the place they'd go to have picnic and just chill during their childhood days.

This too was the place Yeosang would always go to whenever he had an arguement with his parents, failed a subject or whenever he was sad. The cherry blossom tree just gave him some comfort whenever the male looks at it when he is sad and Wooyoung would always be there with him too. Which was why it made Wooyoung knows where to go just now as he saw his friend who he had hurt ran off.

He took a deep breath and stepped inside the park, looking around to see if there is a familiar male figure around here somewhere. God, it's been so long since they've visited and spent time at this place.

As his eyes scanned through the park, a figure of someone sitting underneath a big cherry blossom tree caught Wooyoung's eyes and the male immediately knew who it was ; Kang Yeosang.

The male jogged over to the tree quietly.

Yeosang was sitting while hugging his knees, staring into the thin air, soulless. Wooyoung cleared his throat, making his presence to Yeosang known. The older looked up and saw Wooyoung. Yeosang did not say anything instead just rolled his eyes and stared at the boring view in front of him just like just now.

The younger sat himself down next to Yeosang, setting his bags aside and also just staring straight.

It was silent between them. Only sounds of vehicles passing by, birds chirping and the wind breeze could be heard. One was upset and heartbroken while the other was confused and felt guilty.

"Why didn't you tell me about your feelings?"

"How could I when you cut off every word I wanted to say just so that you could tell me that you're gonna go to San's desk and chat with him?"


"How could I tell you when you're head over heels for San? How could I when you litterally forget about my existence and just talk about one person along about the activities you're gonna do with him the whole time? How could I when you refuse to explain to me and just switch roomates without my knowledge? How could I tell when you said ;

"We're just brothers. Brothers don't fall for each other."


End of chapter 27.


how was this chapter guys~? what do you guys feel~?
istg, i started writing half of the story during my online class💀 somebody take my phone away before i fail in my educations✋🏻

Unhappy Ending - ATEEZ | A WooSanSang Story |Where stories live. Discover now