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A day passed by, making it the 4th day of their summer vacation in Busan.

They didn't do much on the third day. Everyone went out to get foods, drinks and games for today.

Why you wonder?

Because today's afternoon is going to be another fun afternoon as they had planned to play in the pool and other water games such as water balloons, water gun fight and others.

Some of the games were already provided in the house except the balloons.

Then they planned to make a night fort in the living room and have a movie night together there.

Today's another day of fun and chaos for sure making everyone looking forward to the activities held today.

After having their breakfast, they were divided into groups to prepare for the activities later.

Hongjoong, San and Mingi were in charge of filling the water balloons with water of course. Jongho and Yunho went out to get some ice at the convenience store nearby to fill in the water cooler and keeping the drinks they bought cool in the hot weather. Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Yeosang was in charge of preparing foods such as sandwiches.

All of them were busy with their own duties before being able to start partying. They've saved enough energy yesterday for today.

After about half an hour, the boys have completed their tasks and changed into their swimsuits then gathering at the backyard where the swimming pool is located.

Before they get all crazy with the fights, the boys jumped into the pool. Getting themselves wet and pumped up.

They didn't care if their hands get wrinkled up from being and playing in the water for so long. They could get a fever but they didn't bother about it. All they could ever care is making this holiday a fun one especially when it's with their friends.

Later on, the fun finally started.

It was time for a water balloon fight.

They didn't split into teams. Everyone can just attack each other freely. No rules, no teams. Just them on their own attacking anyone they desire to attack.

Yunho shouted start and everyone started throwing water balloons at each other.

Just note that, they had quite amount of water balloons meaning it's going to be a long fight.

Most likely a competitive one too since these boys takes anything that's like a fight as a competition or a war they had to win.

Water balloons hit everyone's body part.

Face, head, chest, arm, stomach, butt, legs even their private part. Just name it, the water balloons that was thrown by all of them hit each other without much failure.

Screams filled the backyard. Loud ones to be exact but Ateez being Ateez, they didn't give a damn about it. As long as the sun is still up, they'll be as loud as they want without bothering much.

Unhappy Ending - ATEEZ | A WooSanSang Story |Where stories live. Discover now