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Sounds of the bell notifying that school is over rang through the building. Students stood up from their seats and slowly one by one left their classroom then heading to their lockers, keeping unwanted things from their bag into it in order to make their bags lighter.

Once they're done, everyone exited the school building. Leaving the school compound and head for. As for the boys of Ateez, just like the usual, they waited for each other at the school gate till all eight of them are there.

After about 15 minutes of waiting, the whole gang was complete at the gate. They then walked off the school compound, heading towards the usual cafe they go to everytime they hang out and complete their homeworks at.

Despite today being just the first day of school, it is no surprise to tell you that these kids received quite amount of homeworks. Well most of the works were just those simple exercises like fill in the blanks, match the meanings to the words, underline the wrong grammars and so on but still, they did receive some essay works. Also, Science, Maths, Geography and subjects that needed numbers and formulas exists which then leads to some of them receiving these types of works.

So here they are now. Walking to the cafe to complete their homeworks together since everyone could help one another, you know how it works.

It took the boys 10 minutes of walking and soon,they arrived. Hongjoong and Yunho ordered and paid for their foods & beverages whilst the others chose a place to sit at which ended being at the back of the restaurant where the space is the biggest and gives a little more privacy for them which of course was perfect for 8 men with quite a height to sit at.

They then settled down for a bit and took out their stationeries , books and of course the main character, their homeworks out and started doing it while waiting for their order to arrive.

Fortunate enough for the boys whose stomach was making noises from hunger, their order arrived quicker than it usually does. Just like every hungry person, they stopped doing their works and dug into their foods along with their drinks.

However, what's eating with friends without having a conversation right? They continued their topic from earlier which was about the summer break and so on. They also continued to tease Jongho about lending his underwear to Yeosang. Of course, Jongho blushed along with Yeosang and begged for them to stop but again, what's a friendship without clowning each other. They then moved on to a new topic where they're planning for their activities during the fall break which is not any sooner but their excitement took over them already.

"Should we stay at a homestay just like our summer break??" Wooyoung asked excitedly and everyone looked at him dead in the eyes. Hongjoong quickly answered him ; "And where do we get the money to rent the homestay for a week?"

Wooyoung's bright smile then turned into a pout, now realising that they're just teenagers who don't work and earn money since they're jot eligible to be a part-timer just yet. But Wooyoung being Wooyoung immediately got an idea and replaced his frown with a smile.

"Yunho can pay it! He treated Mingi to a barbecue or something and it costed about a hundred dollars, he can pay the rent of the homestay!" suggested Wooyoung and in just a split second, Seonghwa smacked his arm. "Don't you have any shame? You can't just ask Yunho to pay for the rent just because he can afford it. It's his parents money not his." Seonghwa scolded him.

Unhappy Ending - ATEEZ | A WooSanSang Story |Where stories live. Discover now