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Note : This is a long chapter, please get into a comfy position and a drink. thank youu ^^ and also!! play that song ^ on loop while reading this chapter :)  enjoy~


The clock shows that it's 7PM, Friday night now.

Everyone was outside, preparing the barbecue grill. Tonight, they're not only having a firecamp but they're also having a barbecue night as the grill was prepared too.

The chefs of the house who are, Seonghwa, Yunho and Wooyoung prepared the grill along with the other ingredients to cook the meats they bought. While the others are trying to lit up the fire and prepared other foods such as snacks and drinks for the night.

"Jongho-ya how's the fire pit going?" Mingi asked, carrying a cooler box filled with ice and drinks outside.

"It's windy tonight somehow, gonna take a little time to light it up" Jongho answered, still trying to make a fire.

"Does any of you wanna eat ramen~?" Wooyoung yelled from the entrance to the door of the house and everyone answered yes.

Later on, they started barbecuing and sat around the pit of fire.

Seonghwa and Wooyoung grilled the varieties of meats while Yunho and Mingi made ramen inside. The others sat down and enjoyed their meal.

"Is it well cooked?" Seonghwa asked everyone.

"Super well cooked, thank you Seonghwa" San answered and Seonghwa smiled.

Not long after, Yunho and Mingi returned with fresh cooked ramen that's still in the pot and placed it on the table where other foods was placed. Everyone got up from their seats and quickly took some ramen into their placed then sat down, ready to taste the noodles.

"How is the taste guys?" asked Yunho.

"Tastes like heaven~" Mingi answered from behind making the older chuckle.

"Can we even fit in the marshmallows into our stomachs later?" Hongjoong asked, already feeling stuffed when the dinner had just started.

Everyone laughed at the leader's question.

"We get hungry easily, don't have to worry about it Joong" Seonghwa answered while laughing.

As Wooyoung was flipping the meats to make sure both sides of it is well cooked, someone approached him. And when I say someone, I meant San.

San approached him from behind and tapped the younger's shoulder softly making him turn around and notice San.

"Hey San, need more meat?" asked Wooyoung.

San shaked his head with a smile.

"You haven't eaten much since you're grilling most of beefs. Here, say aah~" San answered while holding up a pair of chopsticks with a slice of beef in between it towards Wooyoung.

The younger giggled softly then opened up his mouth, allowing San to feed him the meat and chewing it.

"Mmmm~ It's so tasty~ I'm not a bad cook after all" Wooyoung joked making San and himself laugh too.

San continued to feed Wooyoung the meats and some ramen the whole time the boy was busy grilling while also making jokes and laughing together.

Everyone continued to eat too around the fire while chatting with each other.

Unhappy Ending - ATEEZ | A WooSanSang Story |Where stories live. Discover now