The castle like house, felt strange and dark, the feeling of having to enter it didn't feel so pleasant. As we all met near the woods down the road, the house seemed to get scarier and scarier by the minute as I stood and stared at it from a distance as everyone gathered around Luke's car. I felt strange, a real bad strange, my insides started to twist together, like someone was ripping each organ out, one by one, a shiver grew down my spine as I finally took my eyes of the house and drew attention to the group which was all around, waiting for me to call out the plan.
"Right, Emily is in the dungeon down in the right side of the hide out, we have to find away to get in without us all getting caught" I mentioned as everyone fully placed their eyes on me
"And how are we going to be able to do this?" Layla coughed
"Well, me and Calum will enter first, distracting he clan and taking them rough to the hall, the rest who are with me will slowly come in after once I give the signal they are all in the hall and as they make their way in, they'll stay at the door, waiting for something to happen. Once that, they can show Luke's group that it's clear, and use all make way down to Emily" I smiled, feeling proud with my plan.
"But so you even know if the hall is any where near the dungeon" Lois asked,
"The halls on the left side, the dungeon is underneath on the right" Lauren pointed out as she stood forward from the crowd
"Thanks Lauren, she knows the place. So yeah, I believe her" I smiled over at Lauren who gave me a slight smile back before stepping back from the crowd
"Right, are we ready?" Luke asked the group, as everyone nodded I stepped forward, staring at everyone before gulping as I turned round to stare at the house once again
"Let's goo" I finally breathed out, before leading everyone to the house.
"Be careful!" Luke spoke as he stopped behind, as me and Calum made out way to the door
"I will!" I smiled at Luke, I turned round to Calum who looked more than ready to get into this plan, as I nodded, spinning round, I opened the door, which creaked loudly as it swung open
"Let's goo Lilly!" Calum spoke as he pushed passed me and through the door, with an hallway which was empty, I slowly stepped through with Calum, looking back as I watched the rest of the group hide to the side as both Calum and I walked down the hall towards the hall way which grew loud, peering through the gap between the doors I could see everyone already gathered in the hall, I signalled my group through.
"Right, we'll go in, use stay here then signal the rest in. Watch yourselves" I whispered to chloe who nodded them joined the rest. I gulped slightly before looking at Calum who nodded, I slowly pushed the door open. As it fully opened, stood the whole clan.
"Well.. Well.. Well.." Alexander spoke as he notice both me and Calum standing in the door frame
"Surprised to see us" I smirked before walking through, Calum following
"Very surprised, it's almost like your wishing for a death wish" Alexander chuckled
"Nips, no death wish. Just coming to visit I guess" I chuckled back as I placed both my hands into my back pocket
"Well what a lovely visit" Alexander smiled, then eyeing over to Alisa
"Long time no see Alisa" I smirked
"Urg, why are you here" Alisa moaned as she rolled her eyes
"Ohh bummer, no nice welcome" I chuckled then looking behind me at Calum
"Ohh Look who we have here, the very own Calum Hood. What a pleasure to see you here!" Emma smirks from the opposite side of the room
"E-emma?" Calum stuttered in surprised

Twisted // Luke fanfic
LosoweEverything was going normal. Until one day a group of boys moved to California , mysteries become told.. Things you didn't think where real are now in front of your eyes.