The air grew from cold to warm as I felt arms carrying bridal style, I didn't want to open my eyes, I was peaceful the way I was. I was being carried for what felt like forever which probably was only minutes, as I felt my self being placed down I flinched, gripping around whose ever neck that was carrying me, I heard a small grunt, it was Luke's small grunt he makes be for he laughs, I felt a smile growing across my face. I knew I was safe.
"is she okay" Lauren's voice chirped from beside me "She's good, she's slowly waking up" Luke's voice rang through my ears, leaving a warm feeling flushing through my body "That's good, well I better go" I heard Lauren signing "no please don't" I moaned out slowly opening my eyes, flickering them open to see Luke staring at me, the biggest smile across his face "well look who's awake" he chuckled placing his hand on my face "Sadly not me" I giggled back shuffling in my spot "Lilly your awake!!" I heard voices call from all around, I looked around to see everyone. Bright as day. Calum looking over at Lauren smiling away at himself, she got embarrassed. Placing a loose strand of hair behind her ear she walked off, brushing past Calum not saying sorry or that. What has gotten into her mind.
"Lauren" I yelled as I finally found myself standing chasing after her "hold up" I called again, she never flinched. Still walking in her path. I caught up, grabbing her hand "I asked you to wait up" I hissed at her "sorry" she signed looking at the ground "what's up" I asked, I titled my head a little to the right "I can't be around, knowing I hurt Calum not coming home.. Making him think I was dead. It makes me feel shit" she's looking away staring at nothing in particular "Lauren, he came looking for you, all this way.. Just for you, just stay, I need you" I placed my hand on her cheek spinning her head round to face me "plus who is gonna be the god mother of this crazy shit" I laughed placing my hand on my stomach tapping it a few time, Lauren joined in the laughter "I guess" she giggled out "good now come on" I stood to the side "wait, where bonnie and Jess" I looked back over at Lauren who just shrugged her shoulders at me.
As we made it back to everyone I found Jess and Bonnie standing with Luke "is everything okay?" Bonnie asked walking up to us "yeah everything is fine" Lauren smiled then looking over at Calum, smiling at him like he was before. After taking Luke's hand we made our way to the car, finally going home was such a relief. Not having to stick around here anymore, but Alisas words still rolling through my head "we know your little secret". Started to make me think, what where they going to do, knowing they would maybe, probably will. Come after me, my grip grew tighter on Luke's hands, fear was over growing in inside me causing sharp pains to form by my sides. Holding onto my stomach was the only option I could take. "Babe, you okay?" Luke's eyes pierced into mine, growing glossier as panic was screaming through them "yeah, Um.. Uh, I'm fine Lukey" I smiled back at him, lying "you sure, doesn't look like it" pulling me in closer "I'm fine, I would tell you if I wasn't" I smiled, placing a kiss on his cheek.
Lying on the couch I finally decided to phone my mother, asking her how she was. Knowing I can't see her, well I can, but only after the baby is born.. She can't know about me or what I am. It wasn't a very long conversation just the usual. Hey, how are you, yeah, good, miss you, I'll see you soon. We've almost found out and the love you goodbye bit. Not much of a conversation but it's all I can really do that now, not being able to tell her who it actually was, that I'm a vampire and I'm pregnant.. NO. she will kill me or say even call me crazy, dragging me away from all these people, even Luke. She can't do that, that's why I won't tell her.
It was a Saturday night, and there wasn't much to do, I lay on the floor of the living room, as everyone else was in the kitchen gossiping to Lauren, asking what happened, I could here a few giggles and signs through it, I laughed to myself as I heard Lauren rant on and on "Hey babe" Luke's voice called, I looked up, seeing him leaning against the door frame shaking his head down at me "What's that for" I raised an eyebrow at him "You shouldn't be lying on the floor, get on the couch" he shoke his head again,, pushing himself off the door frame to walk over to me "No. I'm comfy" I hissed at him as I reached into my pocket pulling my phone out to reveal texts after texts from Katie, I giggled to myself, placing my phone on the floor next to me "almost 5 months left" Luke chirped as he placed himself down beside me cross legged "To think it's such a short time period, huh" I said as I looked down at my stomach rubbing it gently "yeah, I can't believe this happened though.. I thought-" Luke's voice trailed off as my phone started buzzing "I'll let you get that babe" his voice broke, leaning forward placing a kiss on my fore head then traveling down to place a kiss on the stomach "Daddy loves you" he whispered down to it "Like its gonna talk back" I laughed at him, leaning over to collect my phone "Someday he or she will" he smiled as he pushed himself up from the ground and leaving, I swiped the answer button along the screen and placed it to my ear "Hello?" I called as it connected
"Where have you been! They weren't at school, you weren't at school.. LILLY YOU HAD MY WORRIED!!" Katie screamed down the phone
"wow, calm it" I quietly said.
"I will calm it when you tell me my answer to the question!!" She hissed at me through the phone
"calm dowm, I will explain" I said as I hung up on her. Not wanting another lecture from her or that.
In no time Katie was up and in seeing my I was sitting in the corner of the couch with my legs crossed with a pillow lying on my stomach with my hands hanging over it, maybe just for it to look like I'm hugging onto a chubby pillow, which actually worked with her. "so, Lilly.. I'm here so now.. Explain" she raised an eyebrow at me, taken a seat across from me. "well, where do I start" I said playing with my thumbs "From the beginning, basically where you left me!" She folded her legs like mine taken the pillow behind her doing the same as me, like we where basically having a big heart to heart.
"Well-" I started off "-that night, well the night of the last day you saw me. I went out hunting like usual, and as I got in things got kind of you know-" I said raising both my eyebrows "With Luke" she opened her mouth shocked "yeah..." My cheeks flushed pink "-well anyway, after it I went for drink saw someone. Ran up, didn't tell Luke. Then I told him, we didn't go to school.. I then felt ill like before when I had those dreams, but it wasn't it's was Lauren, I had to tell Calum about it. So I did. Next minute we ended up looking for her, I did. But I had to pretend and join the clan to get her, where we met bonnie and Jess, we all got out" I finished there. Knowing I missed out something "Wow, so like all that happened in two days" she laughed "Yep, but umm.." I trailed off looking down at my hands "umm?" Katie mimicked "all just tell you" I sat up still holding the pillow against me, as I stood I heard Katie moving herself to make her comfy "tell me?" She said confused, I took a deep breathe. Throwing a pillow to the side, I took another before spinning on my heels, to reveal the bump to Katie, it wasn't massive but it wasn't small. Katie's face dropped as her eyes connected to the bump "L-Lilly.. Yo-your" she pointed not able to catch at her words "yup" I rolled my eyes "OMG!!" She screamed jumping with joy. Grabbing me and spinning me, I felt dizzying when she did so.. "Katie.. can't... breathe" I said slowly, Katie gradually dropped her hands letting me go to catch my breathe "Omg, I can't believe this Lilly, I'm going to be an auntie" she jumped about the living knocking a cup flying "Shit!" The word slipped out her mouth. Katie has never cussed never in her life. As she stood staring at the cup, I could feel a sharp pain growing through my stomach again "Shout Luke" I finally gasped out my mouth falling to the couch, holding onto my stomach.
I watched as Katie ran out the room to then coming back in with Luke. His face full of worry "Lilly.. Lilly, are you okay?" His voice shaking "Luke.. I-it hurts!" I screamed out at him "LAUREN!!" Luke screamed holding onto me, Lauren came pushing through "What! What!!" She shouted as she came round the corner "Lilly!" She shouted as she noticed me, tears running down both my cheeks leaving a wet trail behind, my eyes where dark. Darker than they should be. "what's happening" Luke panicked sitting me down.
Lauren's p.o.v
I was having a general conversation in the kitchen with Calum and Ellie until I heard Luke screaming my name.. Not thinking of what it could be, I ran through without thinking to come through to see Lilly lying there.. Her eyes grew darker than before, I hurried quickly to her side, as Luke placed her down on the couch. I've never seen this before, I didn't know what to do. I stood there staring wondering what to do, as I felt a hand on my shoulder "Lauren, I'll take it from here" I looked up to see a woman standing beside me, I raised an eyebrow at her, giving that look like who are you way "Thank you karolynn" Ashton spoke as he walked to the door frame looking over at us all "Come on use two, leave them to be"

Twisted // Luke fanfic
RandomEverything was going normal. Until one day a group of boys moved to California , mysteries become told.. Things you didn't think where real are now in front of your eyes.