It grew dark,the air seemed to get colder andit felt awkward as everyone was crowded around, planning on how to save Emily, It didn't feel the same as all eyes where on me, palcing the tension on me to come up with aomething that can help Emily.
"So Lilly, what's the plan?" Lois asked,
"I don't exactly have one.." I mumbled out undeer my breath
"How is this going to help get her back?" Layla shouted, as her eyes peirced into mine
"Lilly,and I, will distract the clan" Calum spoke as he walked over holding onto Ellie, Lauren slowly traipsing behind
"Really? One moment your hating on me because it's too dangerous, the next your wanting me to go along with what I wanted to do in the first place" I moaned as Calum reached my side
"Why not? I need revenge, and you sure can put up a fight Lilly, common, I'm sorry bout before but we can do this okay, I'llmake sure nothing happens to you" Calum spoke as he stared at me then over to Lauren who sttod opposite us all
"Fine then, Anyone wanting to join me and Calum?" I asked, looking over at the crowd
"I do, I'm in the mood for a fight, sounds fun" Chloe smirked stepping forward
"I'll help as well, make sure nothing happens to anyone and Chloe" Michael spoke as he intertwined his fingers with chloe and smiled
"Great, who else?" I laughed, as Franseca, Jess, Beth and Kitty stepped forward smiling
"Great, the rest is with me" Luke smiled, Ourplan was sorted
"let's get into cars and head the sooner we're there the less they expect" I mentioned and everyone nodded before jumiping into any car free
The road to the clan dragged on and on. It took forever, well it is down south. In Luke's car held, me, Francesca and Layla, great, stuck with Layla. As I stared out the window, passing through every town. Each felt so different, some just perfect, some just not. Ava wouldn't leave my mind, if she was okay, or if something happened. No, nothing can happen, if something happened my mum would if phoned, I started to panic, searching every pocket for my phone but could feel it.
"Luke, where's my phone?" I asked, search the car,
"It's here! Stop worrying, everything's fine" Luke spoke as he handed over my phone which was in his pocket
"I know, but what if they have Ava? Just what if" I panicked
"Well that IF might not have happened, okay. They'll be fine, she's in the city, they don't go to the city cause they'll either get caught or maybe even die" Luke chuckled
"Yeah, but there could be a possibility, anyways I'm calling my mum, just to make sure" I spoke as I typed in my pass code and searched for my mums number before dialling
"Hello.. Hey mum.. Is Ava okay?.. That's good.. Really.. That's amazing.. Well, I just wanted to make sure.. Yeah mother instinct.. Just leaving her a day after she was brought to the world is quiet bad I guess.. Thank you again mum.. Yeah, tell her I love her.. Okay, bye love you.."
"Told you she's okay" Luke smiled as I hung up the phone
"Well, she's getting into crawling and grabbing stuff" I laughed placing my phone into my pocket.
Around night, we pulled into the south, but a part I have never been through. It was gleamy, cold and dark.
"Luke? This isn't where I was" I spun my head around to face him
"Yeah, that's just a little side clan, there's many, but the main place.. We're everyone goes is here!" Luke spoke, turning to face me then back to the road, following Ashton's tracks

Twisted // Luke fanfic
De TodoEverything was going normal. Until one day a group of boys moved to California , mysteries become told.. Things you didn't think where real are now in front of your eyes.