I finally got home at 4:30. I ran up the stairs and burst into my room to put my new phone on charge. I took a look at the time a realised that I should start heading around to Katie's. I decided to give her a quick call.
"hello?" Katie's voice called from the other side of the phone "Hey, it's Lilly.. I got a new phone. Ya still wanting me over?" I said my voice going high "Yeah of course, here you can set your phone up here?" I was silent, I finally spoke up "Yeah okay. Well all leave the now see ya in ten" we both said our goodbyes and I hung up running down the stairs "Mum, can you take me to Katie's??" I said as I paced into the kitchen, shocked to see my dad was home. "dad, your home, do you not finish late!?" I said surprised, my fathers never around, I'm lucky we even see him.. He works all the time, early in the morning to late at night, but why was he home? In fact he's here and my mum isn't? "oh hey hun, mums out for a while and I got let off today, Want me to take you to katies?" A sign of relief filled my body. "yeah" I said jumping through to the garage. The car journey was quiet and sorta awkward.
I finally arrived at Katie's. The door flung open by the second chap and there was Katie's mum standing at the door "Oh Lilly, come in she's up stairs.. You can go up!" Her mother said holding baby Jack, wow he's getting big! "oh that's" I made my way through and up to Katie's room, Music blasting from it. I flung the door open "Having a party without my why don't you!!" I said, laughing to myself as Katie jumped up on her bed, face full of fear "Oh my geezzz, Lilly you gave me a fright!!!" Her breathe out of sync "Sorry then" I plugged my phone in, and started making myself comfy as I always do, Katie's house is like a second home for me. "so let's set this phone up then" Katie said jumping over her bed to me phone. we spent the past half hour setting it up.
Staring out Katie's window, you can see so much, the woods, the lake and lots more. Beside the lake was a house, no one lives there but today, their seemed to be cars parked out side "Hey, Katie, why is there cars" I said spinning around to face her "Ohh, that's where the new people are staying, I don't know why they've decided to live in that old thing.." Katie's said as she flung her legs against the fall with her phone in the air supported by both hands. "oh well it's big enough for them all them.." I said staring over at the old house. Suddenly all my dreams came running back sitting at the window staring my mind suddenly dosed off..
Everything grew light again, there where people crowed around me. I couldn't see their faces, who are these people? What do they want,? I wanted to scream about nothing came out "She's seen to much" a voice behind me saying, to much? What do they mean. I haven't seem anything!! "she must leave, her bloods growing stronger I can't bare it" another voice called from the back of the room. I couldn't see my eyes still a blur. I got them focused a man at the back of the room, I've never seen before. His eyes jet black, his hair plastered to his face, curls springing out it different areas "LEAVE AND NEVER COME BACK" the man said stepping closer.
"LILLY" my eyes opened wide to see Katie clicking her fingers in front of me. "what!??" I said jumping of the seat "What was that? You just like went blank?" Katie said, worry and fear through her eyes "Nothing, em I have to go, bye" I paced through the room grabbing my coat and my phone "well bye then" Katie called behind me as I ran down her stairs, running out the door. Not daring to turn back. I walked home. It wasn't so dark I knew I could make it. My feet aching as I grew faster and faster, but my mind wouldn't tell me to stop, it's telling me to keep going, my heart was pounding, Who are those people in my little dream? It can't be a dream though? I'm not sleeping now? I'm awake? What is it?. I started to come across the entrance to the woods, I was walking to fast I bumped into someone, I flew back "Hey watch it won't ya!" The voice said as I stood up "oh I'm so sorry!! I didn't see you" I looked up a girl standing in front of me, her eyes almost the colour of black "ohh, well slow down when you walk your gonna hurt someone" she placed her hand on my shoulder "Ahh, I didn't hurt you did I?" I said joking to myself "No, not at all" she chirped to herself "Emm who even are you??" I said puzzled looking into her dark eyes "I'm Francesca.." Her voice flowed through the air.. I went to answer but she was gone., wait how did she leave so fast??
I finally arrived home, my mind puzzled. So much was running through it, who was she? How did she disappear so quickly? Why am I get those little dreams?? My head started to hurt. I curled up in my bed. My mind almost blank, I didn't want to sleep, not knowing what would happen? What I'd dream about, but sleep creeped over me sooner

Twisted // Luke fanfic
RandomEverything was going normal. Until one day a group of boys moved to California , mysteries become told.. Things you didn't think where real are now in front of your eyes.