It's been almost a week since I told Luke I loved him, we've been closer than before knowing that we both love each other, but we haven't gotten around to being 'together'. Schools been shite, Katie and her looks! What did I do? I spoke the truth to her, Sawsan and riddle are perfectly fine with me, we only speak in classes but never at breaks, they smile that's basically it. Wow, my life changed so much since the new kids came, as in new kids ya know, my new best friends!.
I was sitting out in the lounge watching as the birds flew past, it was so peaceful, the boys were out hunting and the girls went shopping, I didn't go cause I knew Katie's was there and I didn't want to be around her right now!! I saw a guy walking towards the house, someone I've never seen, but I thought maybe it was a friend if the boys so I ran down, and answered the door to him "Hey, I'm lost could you tell me where I am?" The guy said "This is lake house, why you here? Friend of the boys?" I asked "No, I'm just looking for help! Joshua btw" he help his hand out "Lilly" I shock his hand, his grip gotten tighter, before I knew he grabbed me, throwing me over my shoulder, I screamed no one heard me the man started running, he runs like Luke. My mind ticked. "Put me down" I squirmed "your goin to be one of us" Joshua said he pinned me against the tree "No I'm not!!" I couldn't move my throat was throbbing I was about to cry "Ohh Lilly you don't know what you are, do you" he tutted at me laughing through it "No?" I stared at his black eyes "Oh Lilly, your meant to be one of us, with those powers running through your veins just waiting to escape!" His grin grew tighter around my neck "Do it!" I screamed "bite me, I will join you!" I didn't know what I was thinking, a smile grew across his face "Gladly" he pulled up my sleeve I started shaking, the fear running through me, my eyes filled with tears, his cold teeth plummeted into my wrist, a cold wet feeling ran through my body, I scream "NOOOOO!!" A voice screamed. I was let go falling to the floor. My eye site grew blurring I was sweating, hear running through my veins, my body shaking, the pain rushing through my veins where intense I could hear hits and hissing. I looked up to see what I could make out of it, Luke was around. Everything grew dark. I fell, and could find the strength to get back up.
Ashton's p.o.v
We heard screaming, I grabbed my phone and phoned the girls to come home quickly. Me and the boys ran from one end of the wood to the other, we stopped to see Lilly against a tree with a man sinking into her wrist. Luke's eyes grew in anger he was off and a hold of the man before me Calum and Michael could, Lilly dropped, I ran over to see if I could save her. The bite was to powerful I couldn't, Luke came along side us I've never seen him like this never "I-is she gone!!" Luke's screamed holding Lilly "I'm sorry man" I placed a hand on his shoulder, next I could here the girls "Lilly" Chloe and Emily shouted running over "S-she's gone, no she can't be, Lilly please d-don't be gone" Luke's eyes where pouring with tears "move to the side" Khemce my dear Khemce showed up, she has the power she can do it "bring her to the house and I'll try my best" she said to Luke he got up and carried her to the house, we left her I'm a room with Khemce, I know she can save her!!
Khemces p.o.v
Lilly, why Lilly. Why did we let this happen, we shouldn't have went. Why didn't Ellie see this coming!! I had to do my best. I got out ally books and spell stuff and got on with what I shall be doing.
It was roughly and hour later, I was finished, I felt a heartbeat appear, I grabbed my brush and started fixing her hair, small amount of make up I applied and I fixed her clothes, I walked out the room and made way to the kitchen where everyone was sitting they turned around I nodded "give it 10" I made my way over to me dear ashton and cuddled into him.
Lilly's p.o.v
I woke up in a room, it smelt like lavender, I looked around. It looked like ashton a khemces room, with all the pictures of them hanging on a wall, I walked around. My mind was completely blank from earlier, I forgot everything. I walked around the room and came across a mirror, my hair was sitting perfectly I had red lipstick on some mascara, my clothes where fresh, I looked amazing, I felt strange I looked at my self and found a scar on my wrist almost in a circle, did someone bite me. I started to feel warm, I looked back at the mirror, my pupils where growing bigger and bigger and before I knew it my while eyes where black. IM A VAMPIRE!!! I ran out the room and down the stairs and into the kitchen to see everyone "Explain what happened to me!" I said as I dashed into the kitchen "Lilly!!" Luke screamed running over to me, his arms wrapped around my torso and lifted me up, his grip wasn't as tight as it used to be! "wait!" Khemce walked over to me, she placed her hand on my face "Eyes black, she's same temperature, Lilly come with me, everyone follow!" Khemce grabbed me and pulled me outside "Stand, Chloe here!" She pointed at Chloe the pointed in front of me "Fight" she shouted next minute I knew Chloe through a kick at me, I defended with out realising, she done the same again, I defended again, it went on for about 30 seconds then I found my self standing up and Chloe in the floor. Did I just whip Chloe?? "SHES A VAMPIRE" Khemce said disappointed "OMG!!" I started jumping about "That wasn't meant to happen, where did I go wrong in the spell, she was meant to come back human!" Khemce started to examine me "I never got all the venom out!" Khemce through my wrist down and walked away "This means I can be with you forever" Luke grabbed me picking me up and spinning me "Yeah" I said giggling "I didn't want you to be like this but, it's a chance I have to take, c'mon we need to see what your ability is!" Luke put me down "Right speed, Emily Lilly race" ashton stood in front of us, we turned and looked a smiled "3..2..1..go" we took off, I ran through the woods like told past the house and back in front of ashton. I was first them came Emily "she's fast" Calum's mouth widened Luke just laughed "strength" ashton placed his hand down on a rock "what arm wrestle" I giggled "why not!" I placed my hand down and placed my hand in Ashton's "go" Michael shouted I pushed into ashton and our hand stayed in the same position I put a little more strength in and felt Ashton's arm moving forward, I have him a smile and put full strength in, he ended up in the floor, I jumped up and into Luke's hands. I've never been so happy..
It grew darker, so we decided to continue tomorrow. I was sitting on the couch in Luke's room, staring out the window knowing I won't be sleeping, I stared out the window for a while them Luke came in "Babe?" He said popping his head around the door "Yeah?" I answered not even moving my eyes "Are you okay?" He walked in "no, I'm not" I placed my head into my hands "Why?" Luke sat down next to me "Luke, it's strange now, I'm not tired, I'm not normal, what if the clan find out, did you kill the person who done this to me?" I looked up "No I didn't kill him, if the clan find out I will protect you, it will be strange for a while, you will get used to it" Luke grabbed me and pulled me closer "I love you Lilly" he whispered into my ear "I love you too Lukey" I placed a soft kiss on his lips and lay down beside him.
It finally turned morning, I got myself ready and headed into the kitchen to see everyone sitting ready "Ready to go?" Luke said grabbing his car keys "Yeah let's go" I took his hand and we made it towards his car "Schools gonna be strange" I look up at Luke hoping for a supportive answer "Yupp" he looked down laughing. We pulled up into the school car parking lot and waited for the rest, my head was pounding the smell here was so strong. I hated it, I walked into the cafeteria with the group and we stood in our normal spot, Luke's arm was draped over my shoulder I could feel my old friends staring at me, I looked over, Katie's face was furious. I just gave her a smile and turned around and kissed Luke on the cheek "Two minutes babe" I took his arm of my shoulder and made way over to the girls "Hey girls, long time huh?" I spoke sarcastically "Omg Lilly you've changed so much, your stunning now" riddle jumped up hugging me, Sawsan followed "Yeah you've changed too much" Katie looked at me her eyes piercing into mine "I have changed a lot!!" I sniggered "Your eyes are so glossy now, your hair is so much darker, your make up is perfect" riddle blabbered on "Awe thank you, well I gotta go, good speaking to use" I stood up and made my way over to Luke and the rest who where standing waiting. I gave Luke a kiss and headed towards my class as the bell rang for school to start.
My first class was pretty hard I found it hard to concentrate with the smell of human blood everywhere, I started moving around and interrupting the class, I got to the point I had to grab my stuff and walk out. I text ashton to come pick me up as I couldn't handle it anymore, it was too intense for me. Ashton was in the car park waiting, I climbed in and placed my bag at my feet "Are you okay?" Ashton asked as be pulled out the lot "I can't handle the smell" I placed my head back on the head rest "it is hard" ashton looked over to me "yeah to hard" I looked out of the window watching as everything went past as we arrived at the house. I texted Luke to tell him I'm home "Hey let's go a hunt, hear the human blood hunting out you" Khemce said as I entered the kitchen "sure" I nodded placing my bag on the table "Ashton, we will be back soon, cara you coming" Khemce held her hand out for cara, she's so cute, Khemce flung her on her back and started to run I followed. In seconds we made it to the woods, I could see a deer within 20ft in front. Wow our eye site is amazing "Dibs" I shouted, I started to run I jumped up into a tree and started to stalk, I felt my eyes starts to warm up "go" I said in my head, I jumped from the tree and onto the deer, I sunk my teeth into it's neck, drinking the blood, it tasted better than I thought, I was full by the time I met back up with Khemce and cara. I heard cars coming up the road to the house, Luke was home, I ran to get him. As he got out the car I ran and jumped onto his back "Hey baby" I whispered into his ear and jumping off he spun round and pushed into my lips. God I love this boy so much.

Twisted // Luke fanfic
DiversosEverything was going normal. Until one day a group of boys moved to California , mysteries become told.. Things you didn't think where real are now in front of your eyes.