We arrived home I flung my bag and coat onto mine and Luke's bed, my mind still think about the plan I was coming up with "How do I get there attention" I muttered under my breathe "Lilly are you ready!" Luke shouted from the stairs "Yeah, coming!" I stood up and started heading for the door "let's go" ashton called as I met them in the kitchen. I wasn't so hungry my mind was ticking, I was sitting on a fallen tree watching everyone doing their thing, my mind whizzed off.
I was an ordinary girl, doing ordinary things, living my life like a normal teenager would. Until one night I had the worst nightmare I've ever had, then these people moving to our school then meeting Luke who was actually the boy in my dreams then getting attacked by the clan, they where in the dream aswell, then moving in with Luke and now look at me.. I'm one of them.
"IT WASNT A DREAM" I said springing up from where I was sitting "what do you mean" Luke looked over at me "Remember the day we met, you saw my drawing and said it looked like you!!" I hoped of the tree "Yeah??" Luke raised an eyebrow "well that drawing, it was you. All that happened before I became one of use, I had a dream roughly the same way, use all where in it. It wasn't a dream, I basically looked into the future" I jumped up and down "I don't get it" Luke stared at me confused "Luke, I've discovered an ability don't you see, my abilities still happened when I was human. I am meant to be like this, they haven't finished but I have to finish it off myself" I ran over to him "Lilly, your mad! You don't finish the rest of your dream yourself, you let your mind do it" he laughed "Well, maybe not this time" I rolled my eyes at him "Well Lilly you have turned crazy" he laughed "But you love me being crazy don't you" I smirked "Of course, turns me on" he winked "Awe, well how lovely" I laughed placing a kiss in his cheek "Are you gonna get that or will I" I smiled "Get what" he stared at me "This" I ran off after the deer, did Luke not see it? I pounced onto the deer, Luke soon followed "was it this you where talking about" he looked up at me "Yes!! Did you not see it" I raised an eyebrow at him "Nope, your eye site must be good" he smiled the plummeting his teeth into the deer.
It got later, Luke and I where sitting in the room "Babe" Luke smiled "Yeah" I looked up "Can I tell you something" he placed his hand on my cheek "Yeah, sure" I smiled at him "I knew the first moment I placed my eyes on you that you'd be the one" he blushed "Really" I blushed back "Yes, but it was crazy falling for a human, no one knew, I would of been like called crazy, but I wasn't" he looked up at me "Well you aren't crazy" I smiled at him "Now I have you here forever and ever" he scouted closer "Forever, me and you" I smirked "Me and you" Luke whispered crashing his lips into mine, I squealed as I felt my whole body flip onto my back as it crashed onto the bed, our tongues battling with each other like they where at war. I clasped onto his shirt pulling it over his head and throwing it to the floor, I felt a smirk growing across Luke's face, he pulled me up placing me onto his lap as he took hold of my top doing the same thing, he placed me back down looking into my eyes "I love you" he whispered into my neck then moving down to my neck traveling down sucking on my skin leaving a trail of wet kisses down my neck to my chest. I let out a small moan as he took the rim of my shorts unbuttoning them and sliding them down to my ankles "Luke" I laughed out "What" he looked up with the biggest smile on his face "I-I" I stuttered "Shhh" he hissed out. I smiled he moved back up to my neck and traveling up to my lips placing a kiss, I bite his bottom lip as I felt his crotch grinding into mine, he repeated. After around 10 minutes we finally ended, i looked up to see Luke staring down at me "what" I giggled "Just staring at the most perfect girl ever" he rumbled his thumb along my cheek I giggled and started to blush I looked up placing a small kiss onto his lips "I need a drink" I sat up leaning over the bed and picking up Luke t-shirt firing it over my head, I traipsed out in only his top and my underwear, I take everyone was in there rooms I made my way down the stairs and through to the kitchen, I racked through the cupboards looking for a glass and turning on the tap as I filled my glass I looked up to see outside the house, a dark figure.. "Shite" I placed the glass back into the sink and started running up the stairs hitting the light as I went past "Are you okay" Luke sprung from the bed "I'm fine" I slowly walked over to the bed climbing back in placing my head onto Luke's chest "You look hot wearing my clothes" Luke blurted out "Well I'm thinking about keeping this top" I looked up smiling;, he placed a small kiss on my forehead "Have it if you want babe" he looked down at me.

Twisted // Luke fanfic
AléatoireEverything was going normal. Until one day a group of boys moved to California , mysteries become told.. Things you didn't think where real are now in front of your eyes.