Emily's p.o.v
It's been forever, Luke still hasn't appeared.
"Maybe he's busy.. Or forgotten about me" I muttered out, almost crying. Tears started to rim my eyes, my own brother, no he can't have forgotten about me. I slowly slide across to the wall, pinning my back against it and pulled my legs into my chest leaning my head to my knees and crying out "Luke, where are you" I sobbed quietly into my knees.
"SHES HERE!" A voice shouted from outside the door. Who's here.
"That's impossible, she's not meant to be here for at least 3 weeks yet" another called
"Well she's here, time to get ready" a voice called, sounding like the were smirking through their words, my mind started whizzing, who could possibly be here.. As I walked over to the door peering out the small window at the top, I could see everyone walking around, like some kind of busy school hall. Before I knew a dark figure, not showing their face started walking for the room I was being held in, spinning on my heels I ran over to the wall, before I knew the door was open.
"Looks like they'll be coming sooner" the voice smirked from the door,
"W-who are you" I spoke calmly, slowly walking towards them the chain wrapped around my leg slowly dragging along behind me
"How come you don't recognise me Emily, I was basically family until that day.." The voice spoke again but moving closer
"What day?" I stopped, narrowing my eyes brows in confusing
"The day, Luke announced I was dead" the face looked up, showing a glimpse of only dark glossy eyes
"I don't know what your talking about sorry" I folded my arms over my chest
"Don't you remember, the day at the lake we went out hunting and I went missing, and was found dead according to your brother" the voice grew louder, the memory started to come. It can't be.
"Eniko?" I spoke, looking up at the figure "is it really you!"
"Of course" before I knew, Eniko took her hood down revealing her face
"YOUR ALIVE!" I screamed running to her,
"Yeah well.. Get off" she huffed pushing me off her
"You've changed!" I screamed, looking at her
"People change Emily, I joined the right side. Like you should do as well, your brothers doing the same as he done to me, left me there to die!" Eniko shouted, about to blow
"He won't leave me here to die, he's my brother" I cried out
"Well, that's what you think. You haven't lived through the pain I have for the past 105 years, the boy you loved didn't leave and left you there dying did he?" Eniko screamed out, her teeth growing sharp, her eyes growing darker
"The boy you loved?" I raised an eyebrow
"Don't act so stupid Emily you know dam right I loved Luke!!" By now Eniko was almost touching my face
"Well I'm sorry about that! I didn't know, and Eniko, use didn't zing. So you can't be together" I folded my arms "and fyi, Lilly and Luke will come save me"
"You really think, they have a pair of hands to deal with, with their daughter born, I don't think they'll even bother to come and save you" Eniko smirked
"Daughter? Omg I knew it! I have a niece" I squealed
"Not for long!" Eniko smirked, before turning off and out through the door

Twisted // Luke fanfic
RandomEverything was going normal. Until one day a group of boys moved to California , mysteries become told.. Things you didn't think where real are now in front of your eyes.