Luke's p.o.v
Sprinting down to the door which Emily was in, I could feel relief filling through my veins. As I reached the door, I could see her, and some other girl. Both looking so weak, I felt guilty leaving Emily for so long.
"Stand back!" I spoke as I stepped back, eyeing the door. Counting to three in my head I ran to the door, trying to break it down, it didn't work as good. Second blow, the door still didn't move.
"Luke, it won't work. Get the keys" I heard Emily's faint voice speak, I nodded in agreement and ran down the hall to where the keys where hanging off the wall. A loud noise came from the stairs, voices growing louder. Shit we where getting caught.
Lilly's p.o.v
"Lilly, what now?" I heard Calum whisper behind me. We where set out at a table, where a feast was being held, we sat together, me at the bottom end, with the group around me and Alexander at the top, his eyes piercing into mine
"I have no idea" I whispered as I bent down, pretending to fix my trousers, as I sat up straight, Alexander's eyes where still glued to me, I felt a sniffer run up and down my back, I swallowed nervously and nodded towards him.
"Today we are here to celebrate the arrival of new comers" Alexander rambled on "so tonight, we feast"
I didn't want to feast, not now, not ever, with what they eat I couldn't. I started to feel strange like a kind of weird strange, my insides started to twist again, I quickly grabbed onto my side, trying to ease it all off what was happening, but I grabbed to much attention everyone turned to me, I must of looked like such a idiot right now. I nodded to show that I was okay, Alexander nodded in return "send for the girl"
Luke's p.o.v
Nervously I grabbed the keys from the chain and made way back for the room where Emily was, quickly I slammed the keys into the hole and opened the door. As the door fully opened, I ran in, grabbing Emily and holding her tight
"Emily, I am so, so sorry I wasn't here sooner" I pleaded as I grabbed her tight
"Luke, your here, that's all that matters" Emily cried into my neck as her grip grew tighter "we have to get out, someone grab Roxy"
I nodded and helped Emily over to ashton and Khemce who helped her out, running over to Roxy I picked her up, bridal style and made way out meeting the others outside the room "let's get out" I nodded to the group, who nodded back
The voices grew closer and closer, the sounded like clan members, I started to pick up my pace making the others do the same, we ran for the opposite stairs.
Lilly's p.o.v
We've been here for some while now, I started to grow worried thinking something has happened to Luke or Emily, Alexander started to look conscious on something happening, as he started at everyone one of us.
"Why is the girl taken so long to get here?" Alexander spoke, standing from his seat, both me and Calum looked at each other with the same expression on our faces. "Alisa, Joshua, find the girl" Alexander demanded, Joshua and Alisa nodded and made way out the hall
"Shit" I mumbled under my breath then looked back at Calum who was already staring, I looked around the table at everyone else who all seemed to have the same look on the face as me and Calum did
"What was that Lilly?" Alexander asked, smirking at us. "Nothing" I spoke back, drawing him a look.
"She's not there, both her and Emily aren't there master, they've escaped!" Alisa shouted as her and Joshua ran through the doors

Twisted // Luke fanfic
RandomEverything was going normal. Until one day a group of boys moved to California , mysteries become told.. Things you didn't think where real are now in front of your eyes.