A lot has happened lately, Being a vampire is different than I thouhgt. I have barely seen my parents lately, Maybe once since that innocent happened at the house, Well I don't want to put them into danger. I've gotten so much closer with the group, I've been out shopping a lot with the girls and really I have been out hunting with the boys more that the girls, It's so much better with the boys, so much competition.
Today I had school great, It was so sunny and warm, I had Art, Biology and English the first three periods, Least Katie isn't in any of them. We pulled up in the parking lot as usual but this time me and Luke where in my car, We pulled up first as usual then Micahel then Calum, Put today we didn't go to the same spot, I don't understand why. But I never really minded. The bell finally went, Art first with Luke, He took my hand and said goodbye to the rest of the group, He had a held of my hand all the way to the class.. All eyes where on us, Well yeah, New coule. To thing me and Luke are fianlly together. I lovehim already! We took our seats, we were sort of quiet not having that much to talk about, It was strange but maybe Luke had so much on his mind "Lilly?" Luke asked ass Mr Perkins entered the class "Yes?" I answered quietly, I'm suprised Luke even heard me "We need to get away tonight, have a night, me and you! No ashton, no calum, no michael, None of the girls. Just us!" He said lenning close to me "yea-" Mr Perkins interupted us "Luke, Lilly! I have entered the class, That means you turn quiet until after I address the class!" He said putting his head to the floor and looking at us over his glasses "Sorry sir!" I said, I've never been in trouble before, I was sort of a goody twoshoes before but Luke didn't bother at all he still spoke up "Okay babe, Don't worry I have it all planned!" he whispered into my ear as he bent down to grab his bag. Art went fast, I spoke to Luke through it all, he never had anything on his mind at all. I think he was just waiting to tell me he has something planned for tonight. I wonder what, it's our first date together.
Kaitie's p.o.v
Urg, I can't believe this. How can Lilly lie to me, She is with Luke I knew it, I bet she was with Luke when she was over at mine but she was using a silly little excuse to hide it. But what will I not understand it I was her go dam best friend, I have been since kindergarden, We have done everything together and shared everything, I know Lilly's flaws and all the stuff that's happened through her life and she is the exact same with my life. What has gotten into her, I attend to find out!! She has changed to much, Have they made her dye her hair? She swore she would never I bet they have made her or something, She stopped wearing makeup a while back and now she's back into it, Have they made her wear it, Have they told her that she needs to wear it, Have they called her ugly, She is not ugly Lilly is the most stunning and perfect girl I have ever met. I need to know, She is in my History class tomorrow so I will be all nice and ask.. I really do fell so bad for starting on her a few weeks back, I really do, Me and Lilly have nevee argued never, She is my true friend =. I love Lilly to pieces and I miss her so much, But she probably hates me right now, She does I can see it in her eyes. Why is all this bothering me now? Why didn't it before I could have sorted it all the day after the argument happened and she wouldn't be like this she would be her self again!
Lilly's p.o.v
Biology was pretty good today I moved up next to Calum, Riddle was over with some other girl I have never spoken to before but I didn't mind, Calum is amazing to talk to, He can have such a laugh, I fianlly know his real side now and I prerfer this one. To say he is pretty good looking, But not as good as my Lukey, Ellie is a perfect girl for him, Now I know why they are such a perfect match. They have such a similar personality, I think they have been together for a good while I wonder how they "Zinged"?. English was pretty good aswell, We dont group work so I went with Michael and Ellie, We hardly done anything we just sat there talking, Wow. Knowing I hardly talk to these people in the house is so weird, We are close for what it seems like we hardly know anything about each other. Well didn't I just do a definition of my day. I bet your bored now huh
We finally arrvied home, Really I was so glad to be home, Knowing that I could just lie about and do nothing until I had to get ready for me and Luke's date together tonight, It didnt miss my mind of what would be happening tonight. I was really excited for it. I have never been on a date and also to think Luke was my first ever kiss aswell, I haven't really thought about boys until now, Luke was my very first and really now I think he is going to be my last. I wanted to know how my mum and brother have been, and if my dad is still working, I walked down and along the hall to where the phone was and dialed my mothers number in hoping she would answer.
"Hello?" My mothers voice spoke after the 5th ring
"Hey mum, Its Lilly!" I said folding my left arm across my stomach
"Oh Lilly sweetheart, I thought you would never call" My mothers voice sprung with joy
"I miss you and wanted to how you and squirt are doing?" I never call my brother by his real name, Never
"We are fine sweet, We are still staying at Laura's and I think we will be for a while, Any news from the girl?" My mothers voice slowly gaining quieter
"Eh, Not yet, they are still working on what happened but I think it was silly drunken people!!" I lied, Knowing that I was lying to my own mother again basically killed me inside
"Oh okay, Well how is school, Is Luke looking after you? Is there anything going on between use?" My mother almost screamed down the phone, I looked around me to see if anyone was around before answering
"Schools good, Kinda fell out witrh Katie though, Had an argument over me apparently lying, And yes mum he is, He's amazing always making sure I have everything I need.. Mum please don't go made or anything, I really do like Luke and he likes me so we're kind of a couple now.." I was so quiet
"Lilly I wouldn't be made at you for that, He better treat you right!! Well darling I better go your brither has a match!"
"Okay mum tell him good luck from me and I miss him and I will hopefully be around this week to see use!" we both said our goodbyes and hung up, I spun on my heels and headed upstairs to get ready for me and Lukes datez
"Lilly, are you ready?" Luke shouted from the bottom of the stairs, I walked out of our room and stood at the top of the stairs, To see nothing but Luke's jaw dropping and his eyes examining me up and down the taking a massive gulp "Wow, Lilly.. You look amazing" He fianlly spoke as he found his voice, I gave him a small smirk and skipped down the stairs to give him a small kiss on the cheek. I was wearing a new outfit I got when I went shopping with Chloe, her fashion sense is amazing, Like seriously. I had a simple black skater dress, With black wedges, My hair was curled at the bottom, Its now dark brown, It used to be dirty blonde. I had light peachy lipgloss on and mascara with black eyeliner creating a small flick at the end. Im not used to all this but I felt good so I didn't really mind. Luke was looking good aswell, He had a blue short sleeve shirt on black skinnes, Both knees where slit and black cons. He looked good without all the nand shirts with holes in them. But that's my Luke for you. We hooked arms and headed for the door, His car was parked outside. He opened the door for and and helped me in then walking infront of the car to his side "Ready" He asked clasping his haning onto of mine, Butterflies started to form in my stomach, but left as he let go to start up the car and started to drive down the dirt road and out onto the streets, I wanna know where we are going so badly.

Twisted // Luke fanfic
RandomEverything was going normal. Until one day a group of boys moved to California , mysteries become told.. Things you didn't think where real are now in front of your eyes.