Zephyr and Alonzo: Pet Name

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(So, one year ago today, I actually got to see Bowling For Soup live! I decided to get this super short Zephzo Limelight posted to celebrate~ There's only one little BFS reference but the ship itself is so attached to BFS I think it's appropriate to mark the day with My Boys ^^)


Zephyr was sitting on the floor with his back against the bed, guitar in hand, concentrating on the chorus of Epiphany, and, as usual, his boyfriend was lying on his bed, propped against the headboard, his hand in a bag of potato fingers and his eyes fixed on Zephyr.

Alonzo loved watching Zephyr play.

"All I ever wanted was a little extraordinary, somewhat documented and depicted in this book of memories..."

He sang softly, mostly to himself but Alonzo could just pick it up, all too familiar with the lyrics, until both the singing and guitar suddenly stopped.

"Man, I can feel you staring at me," Zephyr was shaking his head, the smallest smile tugging at his lips.

Al shrugged and popped another potato finger into his mouth, "Yeah, well, I like staring at you."

Zephyr bit his lip and Al smirked in satisfaction. He also loved one-upping Zephyr in flirting.

Zeph, however, recovered quickly and went right back to playing, "In that case, you can stare all you want, babe."

Al's face split into a wide grin, "Aww...!" He pulled his legs under him and sat up.

The music stopped again, "What?" Zephyr frowned, suddenly self-conscious. Had he said something weird?

"You called me 'babe'," Al couldn't keep his smile from growing as he rummaged through the bag of fingers, "You never do that."

"... Don't I?" he asked, a little awkwardly. His heart beat. Both of them were trying not to blush.

"You call me 'garzi'ka' a lot. And I love that, don't get me wrong. 'Babe' just kinda... feels different..." he brought a potato finger to his lips and seemed to zone out right as he got his teeth around it. Zephyr had to smile.

"That a good thing?"

"... Hm...?" Al blinked.

Laughing, Zephyr returned to his guitar, "It's nothing, garzi'ka."

Al quirked an eyebrow, "What happened to 'babe'?"

He strummed once and adjusted his fingering, "I'm saving that. For special occasions."

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