Zephyr and Alonzo: Finally

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Time for fluff!!! \^^/ I have one more Zephzo one-shot planned before I start properly writing this angst AU thing for them (the title of that being Tattooed Mistakes (Are Gonna Fade Over Time)), and Another Way should be completed before the AU starts as well. And I'll hopefully be getting back to BtB and maybe even the series shortly after. Or at least I hope I do o.o Anyway, back to my boys~


Band practice was over for the day and everyone in BFZ was walking home from the power plant. Not one of their families had been prepared to put up with their noise, so it had seemed like the next best place to go. But during practice, Zephyr had been watching Alonzo closely. Not that he didn't do that already, but things had been... different, somehow. In fact, ever since the day he'd found Al all holed up in his bedroom after being completely MIA, ever since that talk, there'd been some kind of change.

He could've sworn Al had somehow gotten even closer to him lately, and even more open to him. Which was saying something, considering it was common practice for him to burst through Zephyr's door and practically drape himself over him simply because he was bored, while Zephyr did everything he could to act annoyed and still keep Alonzo in that position.

He noticed it at the block party, too. They had played Catalyst; it was meant to be dedicated to Zed and Addison and their new relationship, but when Zephyr had glanced over, he caught Alonzo staring at him. And he didn't look away. Their eyes stayed locked on one another.

"I hope you know that you're my best friend, I've got your back until the very end. And together, we will find our way. You are the catalyst..."

At least it was mutual when, at practice that day, he had done pretty much the same thing while running through Sometimes.

"Sometimes, I swear you make me sick, sometimes I just wanna kiss you, and tell you I love you, sometimes..."

Now, as they walked down the street with Alonzo and Zach ahead, Zephyr didn't take his eyes off him when he spoke to Roz.

"Something's happening here, right?"

"It's always been happening."

"But it's... actually getting serious now. This could really happen."

"You want it to, though, right?" they raised an eyebrow in question.

"I mean..." he sighed, "Yeah. But what am I supposed to say to him?"

Roz shrugged, "You've been friends with Al for years, you should know him by now. Whatever happened to the guy who convinced me to dance with Keira? What, you can't be that smooth when it comes to your own damn crush?"

Zephyr didn't answer, he just winced and kept watching Alonzo. They passed Roz's house and she was gone. Then Zach was, too, and they were alone together. Al happened to be heading to Bonzo's to drop off some equipment, pick up a couple of things and maybe even run through a song or two, and Bonzo lived right next door to Zephyr. The rest of the walk there was uneventful, nothing unlike their norm, but Zephyr could definitely feel something sparking between them now more than ever. He was hardly taking in any of their conversation – it was mostly Alonzo making jokes and suggesting ideas for the band, and Zephyr smiling, nodding and enjoying the sound of Al's laugh.

They soon reached Zephyr's street and he realised this could be his moment. Things had been building up so perfectly that he'd be a fool not to take the chance when he had it. He knew Rizzo was right, Al really did feel the same way. Those recent changes confirmed it. But Zephyr always seemed to chicken out when faced with a potential confession scene.

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