Zephyr, Alonzo, Zach and Roz: Compilations

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(Some more Zephzo cuteness before the future fic starts tomorrow night~

The trailer for the future fic is up! Go to kokinu09's YouTube channel here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-H2gjtQiFc to watch it!)


"What are you smiling at?"

Al looked up at Zephyr's question, grinned, then waved his hand as he went back to whatever he was doing on his Z-band, "Nothing." He covered his mouth with his right hand, then bit it to try and stop himself laughing but it didn't work. Zephyr stared at him.

"Seriously, what?"

"Nothing!" Al giggled and Zephyr narrowed his eyes. He watched for a moment or two longer then went back to his homework. For a split second, he almost entertained the thought that it could be Zeke but he quickly shook that idea from his head. He didn't need to be so insecure. Alonzo briefly glanced over at him while he wasn't looking, then dropped his head again when he turned around, but Zephyr caught him. He couldn't take it anymore.

"What are you looking at?" he demanded, "What is on your band?"

Biting his tongue, and still laughing anyway, Al shrugged, "It's just a video, garzi'ka," he told him, "Relax."

"What video?" the volume was turned way down but he could make out a few familiar voices, "One of ours?"

"I mean, kind of?"

"Kind of? 'Kind of' how, exactly?"

Al looked back down at the screen and his face twisted in deliberation then he heaved a dramatic sigh and gestured for Zeph to come over, "Fine! C'mere, I'll show you." As he did, Al rewound the video back to the start.

Zephyr sat down beside him and took his hand, pulling his arm towards him so he could see the screen better. When he caught sight of the title, he slowly turned back to Alonzo with his eyebrows raised.


Al just laughed and nodded.

'Zephyr of BFZ being in love for 10 minutes'

Before Zephyr could say anything else, Al hit play and a compilation of clips from BFZ's vlogs started.

"Surprise, this is actually a breakup video."

"Don't even joke about that, Al!"

"Are you sorry?"

"I'm sorry."

The peck on the cheek.

"You love me."


The wink to the camera.

"He loves me."

The camera kept zooming in on Zephyr and capturing every little subtle smile, every time he looked at Alonzo, every time he touched him for the briefest moment. Zeph groaned, slightly embarrassed and closed his eyes, tipping his head back.

"Oh, my Z..." he opened his eyes again, "Who even made this?"

"I dunno. Someone who watches our videos," Al was clearly having the time of his life, "Keep watching."

"Tell 'em what a perfect boyfriend you have."

"Or what a perfect boyfriend you have."

"Y- Wait a minute...!"

"You're too cute, Al."

"Go back to your song!"

Zephyr tried not to react when Alonzo nudged him, "You were so checking me out right there!" and he turned away to hide his blush.

"Well, if you weren't so damn cute..." he mumbled, making Al laugh even more and kiss him. Zeph couldn't hide his smile after that, "... It is true, though."

"What's true?"

Zephyr shrugged, trying to sound casual, "I am in love with you."

Al bit his lip and kissed him again, "I'm in love with you, too," then he shifted so he was sitting back with his head resting on top of Zephyr's and he went back to his Z-band, "There's more, you know."

He showed him the channel the video was from and scrolled threw its uploads, the last few all being compilations made from BFZ videos. It looked like the rest of the channel was more compilations from elsewhere, and the occasional video about cheerleading.

"I'm pretty sure it's somebody from Seabrook," Al said, "Look, you can see the Mighty Shrimp logo there."

He pointed at a thumbnail and sure enough, there was their school's mascot visible on a uniform.

"So, who is it?" Zephyr asked but Al just shrugged.

"They're never onscreen. But look at these."

He returned to the BFZ compilations: Zephyr and Rizzo being siblings goals for 7 minutes, Every time Rizzo interrupts a vlog, Zephyr being done with Alonzo and Zach for 5 minutes, Every time Roz falls asleep on her drumkit, Alonzo and Zach quoting dead memes for 3 minutes...

"You and Zach are dead memes," Zeph smirked and Al snorted.

"OK, that's a good one...!"


At their next band practice, Alonzo insisted on showing the videos to Zach and Roz. While they were both laughing over them, Zephyr noticed something; Roz seemed a little more... awake than usual from the second Al told them what he'd found on YouTube. But they also didn't look too surprised by the videos themselves. When Al and Zach were distracted, Zeph pulled Roz aside.

"You wanna tell me something?"

"... No?"

"So you don't know what's up with those videos?"

Roz avoided making eye contact and shook their head, "Nope."

"Oh, you know," he prodded their chest, "Did you make them?"

"No," they held up their hands in defence, "I swear...!" Zeph quirked an eyebrow and Roz cringed, "... I... might've helped a little..."


"Yeah," they nodded and shrugged, "Just helped."

"Helped who- Wait," he stopped as he realised, "It was Keira, wasn't it?"

"Yup." Roz loudly popped the 'P'.


"'Cause she wanted to. She made the one of me falling asleep 'cause she thought it was cute and it just kinda went from there."

Zephyr huffed, "I swear, next time I see her I am gonna-"

"No, you're not," Roz stated confidently.

"... No, I'm not..." he muttered, watching Al point out something in another video to Zach.

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