Azure and Inez: Trouble

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(I'm mostly getting this one posted now because I haven't introduced Inez yet and she has a big part in the next chapter of Tattooed Mistakes (please give it a read if you haven't already! (And be prepared for some gore in chapter 1 only!)). This is based on another conversation I had on Tumblr with, I think, fist-it-out, probably months ago

I'm planning on returning to Another Girl, Another Zombie and doing more Bronzo one-shots soon, btw~)

INEZ: the zombie with braids in red coveralls, usually seen with Azure
ZULI (mentioned): the third zombie with braids in blue coveralls, seen with Azure and Inez in the first basement scene


"Same time next week, Gus?"

Inez grinned, shooting Gus finger guns as she passed him on her way out of the containment facility. He gave a short, humourless laugh, barely even looking at her.

"Let's hope not."

"Aw, c'mon," she turned on her heel so she was walking backwards and threw open her arms, "You know you miss me when I'm not here!"

"Shall we test that theory? How about you stay outta trouble for once, see how much I miss you then?"

Inez scoffed jokingly and Gus shook his head, trying to get back to work. She stopped still and folded her arms, raising an eyebrow at him.

"You not even gonna say goodbye?"

"Inez!" her dad snapped from the door.

"Coming!" her smile never wavered as she waved to Gus and she sauntered over like she had all the time in the world.

"Inez, I am sick of having to come all the way down here to pick you up all the time. You sleep in a holding cell as often as you sleep in your own bed at home!"

She shrugged, "So why doesn't Mom pick me up next time?"

"That is not what I meant and you know it. You can't be getting the patrol called on you every other day. Are you proud of yourself, doing all this?"

"I was just out having fun! It's not my fault if I lose track of time and miss curfew."

"That'd be a fair excuse if it was only this one time. And if it was only ever for missing curfew. I don't know what else to do, you're in and out of zombie containment, we try grounding you and punishing you but nothing's changing!"

Inez said nothing.


Azure opened her front door, already rolling her eyes, to find her best friend standing on her porch with a smile on her face. Azure gave Inez a blank look.

"So how's Gus doing?" she asked, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Inez sighed, shaking her head as she pushed past Azure and went inside, "Sorry to see me go, as always."

"Uh-huh..." Azure closed the door and followed Inez upstairs, "So, this is, what, the fourth time so far this month you've been held overnight?"

"Fourth already? Huh. Wow. Pretty sure Riza's only been held twice this month. I could break her record."

"Please don't make this a competition, Inez...!"

She chuckled and nudged Azure's shoulder, "I'm kidding! And it's only ever for little things, anyway, where's the harm in that?"

"For one thing, you could be a bad influence on my little sister."

"Like Zuli's gonna follow my lead. That girl's way too smart for that."

Azure sighed, "Then how about to get your parents off your back?"

Inez brought her hand to her chest, feigning offence, "What, you ain't gonna tell me it's not that she's too smart to act like me?"

"Oh, no, she is definitely too smart to act like you," she smirked at Inez's exaggerated pout, "Come on, what's gonna take to get you to tone it down?"

"Absolutely nothing."

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