Zephyr, Alonzo, Zach and Roz: The Band

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(What's this? Two Limelight one-shots in one day? Well, I managed to get this one done before I went to bed so I thought I might as well~ A little more of my favourite BGZ boy (Alonzo) and his friends (and future boyfriend but also best friend). This is a headcanon I've been talking about on Tumblr, once again with krut09, because I have theme songs picked out for all of the BGZ (individually and for relationships) and these four all happen to have songs by my favourite band, Bowling For Soup. Zeph and Al also have a couple of songs for their ship by BFS, including the song Sometimes for Zephyr about Al ^^

Another Way should be the next update, probably tomorrow~)


Alonzo was sitting on the floor of Zephyr's room with his back against the bed and, as usual, his hand in a bag of potato fingers. Zephyr's legs dangled off the edge beside him, while the rest of him (still attached to the legs, mind you) was lying lazily on top of the bed, guitar in hand. He was strumming the strings and trying to remember the chord progression he'd been learning.

"How long has Bonzo been teaching you now?"

It was Bonzo's guitar, technically. Zephyr had been considering learning to play an instrument for a while, after Roz had taken up drumming, and Bonzo was more than happy to help him. He strummed again and repositioned his fingers when he hit a bum note, feeling the covers shift where Alonzo tipped his head back to look at him.

"I dunno," he said, his eyes fixated on the strings, "A couple months?"

"You think he'd teach me?"

Zephyr glanced at him, "Yeah, if you wanted," he sat up, resting an arm over the guitar, "But since when were you interested in playing music?"

"It looks cool," Alonzo said with a shrug, "And I can sing, so."

"What does that have to do with it?"

He didn't get an answer, instead Al turned around to face him, propping his elbow up on the bed. And he had that look in his eye that told Zephyr he had some dumb and/or crazy idea in mind.

"We should start a band!" He pointed between the two of them.

"... Just us?" Zephyr wasn't so sure.

"Roz plays drums, don't they?"

"So, us and Roz?" still reluctant, but he couldn't help smiling. Alonzo's smile was contagious, "What about Zach?"

They couldn't leave him out. If they did start a band.

"He could learn something from Bonzo, too."

Al was already getting excited. Zephyr looked away and bit his lip.

Nope. No beating hearts today, thanks. Calm down.

"Don't expect too much of him, Al, the guy's gonna have enough on his plate if he's teaching you and me," Zephyr chuckled, trying to ignore how cute Alonzo looked pouting, "Are you actually serious about this? What would we even play? Are you gonna write our songs 'cause I ain't got the time for that."

"I was thinking, more like a cover band..."

Sighing, Zephyr flopped back on the bed. "If you say Bowling For Soup..." he muttered.

"... Of Bowling For Soup."

"Stop trying to force your weird music taste on everybody else!" Zephyr tried to sound annoyed, but he really just found it funny and Alonzo laughed with him, gently punching his arm.

"C'mon, Zeph, you like 'em, too."

"Not nearly as much as you, Al."

Alonzo ignored him, turned around and went back to digging through the bag of fingers, "And so do Roz and Zach."

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