Roz: Study Date

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(A super short one today, just to make sure I get that second one-shot of the month in! Some Rozeira to parallel the Zephzo from last time~)

Keira really didn't need that much help with her Zombie-tongue homework; she wasn't far behind Bree in their class, seeing how much practice she got in on a regular basis. It hadn't taken long for Roz to guess that their girlfriend was using her schoolwork as an excuse to invite them over. Not that she really needed an excuse to do that, but she obviously enjoyed playing it out like she did. The exaggerated biting of her lip, avoiding eye contact, then finally looking up with that puppy-dog gaze and batting her eyelashes when she finally asked "Do you maybe wanna come over and help me with it?"

Of course they did. They always did.

She did really have homework to do, she just didn't need the help. It was more fun with someone else around anyway, especially Roz. And the two of them had been getting some work done, Roz giving Keira a quick pop quiz, and rewarding each right answer with a kiss. More excuses. But then Keira was running through the last few items in near silence, ready for a break. Roz, however, had been relaxed for some time, and was almost falling asleep on Keira's shoulder with their eyes slowly blinking every now and then and a soft smile on their face as Keira recited the Zombie on the page in front of her. They soon drifted off.

Keira glanced over at Roz briefly, then did a double take when she realised they were asleep, looking so cosy and comfortable, still smiling softly, and a grin broke out across her face. She quickly, and quietly, closed the books and pushed them away, taking care not to disturb Roz, and wrapped her arms around them.

Roz woke up some time later to her girlfriend smiling down at her, a sweet kiss on the nose, and a tight hug.

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