Zephyr and Alonzo: Sleepover

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(I got the cutest image in my head a few weeks or so ago and it had to exist so here. We're going back on the timeline to the early days of Zeph and Al dating for this one~

Please do comment on these if you like the BG zombies...!)

It wasn't like they'd never fallen asleep together. They'd been friends for eight years, of course they'd had sleepovers before. And Alonzo had never been shy about physical affection. And Zephyr had never denied him it. It's just that they'd never fallen asleep on the same bed before. And, well...

They were boyfriends now.

They usually would've drifted off on the floor in the middle of a sleep-deprived conversation way past midnight, or maybe on the living room sofa with the TV volume turned down low to keep whoever's house they were at's parents from hearing. Either way, they'd be too caught up in each other's company to even consider moving.

Not tonight. They were at Alonzo's house, and Hazel had been asleep for some time. And Al, lying upside-down on his bed, his head tipped back over the edge, had locked eyes with Zephyr, sitting in front of him. They had both smiled, Zephyr dropping his head to try and hide it, and Alonzo's gaze staying fixed on him as he grinned. He'd rolled over and patted the space beside him.


Zephyr froze for a split second, making Al laugh, but he gave in. He sat down and Al practically threw himself into his lap, forcing Zephyr to fall back with Alonzo hugging him tight. He couldn't help but laugh.

"You're gonna wake your mom up," he hissed through a stifled giggle.

Al was still grinning, "C'mon, she's not gonna care."

Then they were just holding each other in comfortable silence, Alonzo's face against Zephyr's chest, his eyes closed, while Zephyr looked down at him. Al's eyes opened again.

"Why'd we never do this before?"

"... 'Cause I'm stupid," Zephyr mumbled, "And I didn't wanna risk it."

Al lifted his head to meet Zephyr's eyes, "It was worth it, though, right?"

Zephyr rolled his eyes and pulled him closer again.


Alonzo stirred awake a couple of hours later to find himself still in Zephyr's arms, but now with the covers pulled up around them. And Zephyr had shifted so now he was nestled into Al's chest.

Z, could he be any cuter?


When Zephyr woke up the next morning, Al was already up. Immediately, Zephyr was on edge. Al was looking at him with that grin – that teasing one that usually meant he'd done something and Al wasn't going to let him live it down. He sat up.

"... What?" he demanded.

Al snorted, "Good morning to you, too," he laughed at the look on Zephyr's face, "What?"

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"What, I can't look at my boyfriend?"

Zephyr flushed – he would never get used to that.

"Not like that," he pointed at him, "Was I talking in my sleep or something?"

Al shook his head, trying and failing to supress his smile, "No! You didn't say anything."

"What did I do then?"


"I did something."

"Seriously, you didn't do anything," Al laughed, "You're just cute."

"Oh, Z..." Zephyr groaned and squeezed his eyes shut, "I did something. Just tell me."

Al dropped into his chair, tipping his head back to laugh again, "You're insane," he said plainly but when he saw Zephyr staring at him expectantly, he rolled his eyes, "You were being, like, super cuddly. It was the most adorable thing I've ever seen."

Zephyr dug the heels of his palms into his eyes, "I'm gonna crawl back into my grave..."

"I woke up a couple hours after we fell asleep and you were clinging onto me."

"You got any limes?" Zephyr cocked his head, his voice and his expression laced with sarcasm, "A lime would be great right now."

"You were like a little puppy!"


Al ignored him, waltzing over to the bed to wrap his arms around Zephyr, "You love me," he teased, pressing a kiss to his cheek and making him blush.

"And you want me to suffer."

He welcomed the next kiss to his lips.

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