Zach and Diaz: Party - Part 1

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(It is time!

I have like... four more Zaz Limelights planned atm. After part 2 of this one. I'll be posting another Limelight for the Morgan siblings in between this and part 2, as well as chapter 2 of the Tattooed Mistakes sequel (which is updating every Thursday of October if you're interested in that~)

I saw this pick-up line as a prompt on Tumblr ages ago and just had to use it for Zach. I got an entire 2-parter out of it so :D )


For the first time, a human at Seabrook High was hosting a party and actually letting zombies come. Sure, that human was Bucky, and it was mostly per the request of his cousin, but still. Bucky wasn't so bad these days. Addison wanted any friends of her friends – which included the members of BFZ, seeing as they were Bonzo's friends – to be invited. And Bucky wasn't going to turn away his new star stunter or any of his friends.

Diaz still hadn't had many chances to talk to Zach; he was lucky to see his band play, or get anywhere near him on the dancefloor at the zombie mash, or pass by him around Zombie Town or at school. He had noticed Zephyr was becoming a bit of a nuisance to Zeke lately, though. He didn't much care to know why exactly, he was just grateful that Zach was around more often, and what's more was he had even noticed Zach looking his way on more than one occasion. So Diaz made the decision that he'd finally talk to him, for real, at the party. If he could just get away from Zeke...

He wasn't really paying much attention to the conversation; he just knew it was something to do with the girls being their usual selves.

"Y'know, Zadie and Riza weren't actually invited," Zeke was saying.

"Pfft, none of us are ever invited," Izabelle laughed, "We just crash a party and cause chaos."

Zeke chuckled, "Exactly. But... Belle?" he tilted his head, giving her a pleading look, "Could you maybe not tonight? For my sake? I can't risk losing my spot on the squad when I only just got on."

"Ugh, fine..." she rolled her eyes and groaned, but the corner of her mouth was quirking up a little, "I'll behave, if I have to."

"Thank you..." Zeke smiled and pulled her into a kiss and as he did, Diaz tried to take the opportunity to get away. No such luck, though; Zeke still managed to catch him right before he disappeared, "Hey! Where d'you think you're going?"

"Uh, to enjoy the party?" Diaz tried to look nonchalant, "Duh."

Fritz and Izabelle both smirked while Zeke raised an eyebrow suspiciously, "Not to find Zach?"

Diaz scoffed, avoiding eye contact, "No...!"

"Right," Zeke nodded, not believing him for a second.

Izabelle sighed, "Just let him go. It can't hurt."

"It sure as hell can!"

"Zeke," Fritz nudged his arm, "C'mon, let him live a little."

"There's no way I'm gonna-"

But Diaz had already slipped away, turning to shoot Zeke a sly smile and wave, "Bye!"

Zeke was left glaring after him until Izabelle tugged on his sleeve and he was distracted.


"So," Zephyr scanned the mixed crowd of humans and zombies as they entered, then turned to Zach with one eyebrow raised, "You got your eye on anybody yet? Or are you finally gonna try for the real thing?"

"What do you mean, 'the real thing'?"

Al laughed, "Isn't it obvious?"

Zach's eyes shifted back and forth, "... Something's obvious to Al but not me, should I be worried?"

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