Roz, Zach and Alonzo: Crush

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(Second Limelight of the day! Some more of BFZ, minus Zephyr, but don't worry, he's coming~ ;) I want to get as much Zephzo and BFZ one-shots as possible done so that you're all really invested in them when I get to the angsty Zephzo AU-type-thing. There's plenty of the others to come as well, so don't worry, and I'll be rewriting the Hazabelle one-shot into them being friends (again, sorry for that change, but this is really going to work out better .). No more new updates since I uploaded the Chanzie one-shot this morning so let's get to BFZ...! This one refers to a BG human! I've mentioned two other BG humans in Another Way (Jessica and Rachel), and now here's Keira)

KEIRA: the human in blue who Roz dances with at the block party, also seen amongst the rejects at the end of Fired Up and next to Zed at the start of Fired Up (Competition)



Had a crush.

On a human.

She was sitting in the second row, the one in front of Roz, and a couple of seats to the right so they could just barely see her profile. She leaned on her fist, pouting slightly and frowning in concentration with her eyes on the book in front of her and Roz smiled to themself. They had first seen her cheering at the championship a few days ago. Well, they probably had seen her around school before then but they first noticed her at the championship. And they were thrilled (and slightly nervous) when the re-integration started and the zombies returned to Seabrook High only for them to find the girl they had been distracted by at the competition was now in their English class. She was drumming her nails against the desk as her other hand brushed aside her dark, curly hair before picking up her pen. Roz was entranced.

"Don't start drooling, Roz," Zach said from beside them. He didn't even need to look in the direction they had been staring in. He just knew. Roz had pointed her out already. Multiple times.

They glanced at him, then back at the girl somewhat self-consciously, and finally down at their work, "Oh, like you can talk! How many people have you fallen in love with this week, again?" they hissed at Zach and his eyes shifted suspiciously.

"... No comment."

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

"What did you think?" Alonzo piped up from behind, suddenly joining the conversation.

Zach looked at him and subtlety nodded towards the girl while Roz refused to lift their head, "About that human girl in the second row."

"Right, the girl in blue?"

Roz sighed in defeat, "Yeah... Al?" they rested their arm on the back of their chair and turned to look at him, "Did you talk to her at the competition? You were close to her in the routine, weren't you?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Did you find out anything..." they gestured vaguely, "... Useful?"

"Uhh... I know her name's Keira...?"

Zach nodded sagely, his hands clasped together over his mouth, "Keira... Definitely a human name." Roz and Alonzo ignored him.

"Anything else?"

"Like what?"

"I dunno, maybe any hints that she's anything but straight?"

Al frowned, "She might have smiled when I made some gay joke, I wasn't really paying attention."

"... You actually found an opening for a gay joke there?"

"You didn't? It's a cheer championship, that's a goldmine for gay jokes."

"Yeah, well, I was a little busy being gay at the time."

Al chuckled, "That's a full time job."

"I don't think you're really getting it, Al," Zach said with a joking smile.

"Getting what?"

Roz shook their head, casting their eyes skyward, "Z, I wish Zeph were here."

"Same..." he paused and Roz looked to Zach. They held up three fingers and silently counted down to when Alonzo's eyes narrowed and he leaned forward, "Wait, do you like Keira?"

Roz just smirked, both condescending and affectionate, "Nothing gets past you, Al."

"... So, do you, or not?"

"Oh, for the love of Z." Roz buried their face in their hands while Zach gently patted Alonzo's arm. He looked between them, confused.

"Why doesn't anybody ever answer me?!"

"If you three are finished," they all looked up at the sound of the teacher's voice, "There's still a few minutes left of class. Eyes down and mouths shut."

They each mumbled out an apology but Roz took a quick glance to the right just in time to catch Keira turning away sharply to focus on her own work. Roz bit their lip and looked down.

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