Izabelle and Mitzi: Anger Issues

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(I'm really sorry about the distinct lack of fics recently, I've been struggling a bit to get them done but I've been working on multiple fics at once and I've been making some progress~ This is the first one I got done so here, let's revisit two of the BG zombies we've already met separately. This idea came from the fact that Izabelle and Mitzi are stretching outside Zed's house at the start of My Year - with my headcanons, that is definitely Mitzi's idea. So this happened. It's quite short, but there's a lot of stuff to come


The Big Project...! I've started writing it! I'm a few pages into part 1 (and once I upload it, I can stop calling them "parts" and start calling them what they're actually meant to be called - they're not chapters, really. It's a different format). I'm hoping to get part 1 up this weekend. Does anyone want to take a guess at what the Big Project is...? )


"Am I supposed to feel different, somehow?" Izabelle narrowed her eyes, more from confusion than from any kind of pain holding her foot against the back of her head might cause her, which was practically none at all. She could do that easily, no problem, but why she was doing it right now still had her stumped.

"It'll take time," Mitzi said, holding the same position on the sidewalk next to Iza, though her eyes were closed and she was smiling softly, "Just relax."

"I don't relax."

She noted Izabelle's dismissive tone and chuckled to herself.

"And we're trying to change that."

Izabelle's face twisted into a grimace. This was so stupid. She wasn't the type who could just let her problems go, she had to take them out on something, or someone. Although her parents, Bonzo, Jazz and almost every other zombie would most likely disapprove. Causing chaos with her friends was a much more satisfying way to get her aggression out without necessarily harming anyone. Yoga was just... boring.

If anything, having to hold these positions only made it worse.

Mitzi finally let out a slow breath, opened her eyes and straightened up. Izabelle followed, with more of an extended, exaggerated sigh of annoyance, then scoffed and threw up her hands when Mitzi bent backwards into a bridge. Iza gave her a blank look but Mitzi wasn't having it.

"Come on. This will help, I promise."

"How much longer are you gonna keep this up?"

"It's barely been five minutes, Izabelle. Just try it."

With a roll of her eyes, Izabelle tipped her head back and let herself fall into position.

"Zragh vak..." she muttered under her breath but Mitzi heard.

"Watch your mouth," she said, somehow snapping even in such a gentle voice, "Cursing isn't going to make this any easier."

Izabelle smirked, "Might make it more fun. You sure as hell aren't gonna do that on your own."

Mitzi just took another calming breath and ignored her. Izabelle dropped her forearms to the ground, letting her legs stretch a little bit further, and pressed her forehead to the concrete.

"I don't wanna do this...!" Her voice started out weak and whiny and ended up all but screaming. She noticed how Mitzi tried to hide her flinch and smiled smugly to herself. Letting out the most obnoxious sigh she could, she collapsed, rolled over and sat up, leaning back on her hands, "I'm done. See ya, Mitz."

As Izabelle picked up her backpack from the side of the road, Mitzi came out of her bridge – like a normal person – and frowned at her as she stretched her back.

"You're not even trying."

"It's not even working."

"It isn't going to work straight away, you have to keep at it until it does."

Izabelle's shoulders slumped and she shook her head, throwing Mitzi a mock-sympathetic look, "Do you honestly believe I have the patience for that?"

Because she really didn't, and all of Zombie Town knew that.

"I was hoping this might teach you to be more patient."

"Your hopes, Mitzi, are hopeless," Izabelle patted Mitzi's arm with a sarcastic smile, "Sorry to break it to you."

"Don't you want to stop being so angry all the time?"

Iza shook her head, "Not really."


"Alright," she groaned, "Fine, if it'll get you to shut up about it, I'll give it another try, just don't expect me to last any longer. And don't expect me to take it seriously. But right now, I'm just gonna head to school."

"Since when do you ever go to school early?"

"Since Zadie learned how to pick the lock on the door to the cheer lounge."

She was already walking away. By the time her words began to sink in, she had started to run.


Mitzi picked up her own bag and took off after her.

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