Zephyr and Alonzo: Song

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(Finally, finally, getting back to My Boys! This was inspired by a prompt found on Tumblr, Zeph and Al can't agree on which BFS song is their song~

I have so many Limelight story ideas to write... And other stuff too~)


Alonzo may have spent a lot of his time over at the Styx family's house, but it wasn't often that he and Zephyr would get to be completely alone when they were there, at least not for long. Either one or both of Zephyr's parents would be home, or his sister. And if they weren't, they would be soon. So if they wanted guaranteed privacy then they went to Al's, since the only other person who lived there was his mom.

Zephyr knew Zane would be over to hang out with Rizzo after school that day. And he knew Alonzo's mom would be at work until later that evening. And he also knew they didn't have band practice. There was no question. As soon as they got home, the boys headed into the living room and Al quickly put on some music before he flopped onto the couch, pulling Zephyr down with him so they were cuddling close together. Which turned into kissing. Which turned into making out. To Bowling For Soup. Because... obviously.

Until the song changed and Zephyr suddenly noticed a distinct lack of lips against his...

"Oh, hey!" Al nudged Zeph, grinning, "This is our song, turn it up!"

Zephyr didn't, though. He just sat and listened to the intro of Catalyst for a couple of seconds then turned back to Alonzo with a slightly confused frown, "Uh... No, it's not." He shook his head and Al returned the look.

"Excuse me? How is this not our song? Seriously," he started singing along, "I know it's more like me to wanna make out..." he leaned closer as he sang only for Zephyr to laugh and push him away.

"I am not denying that is you to a T, garzi'ka," he said, then shook his head, "But this is not our song. I mean, come on. Sometimes?"

Al pulled a face, "Sometimes?"

"What? It's the first song we learned to play together!"

"Catalyst was the last song we performed together before we started dating!" Alonzo folded his arms and leaned back, "Besides, what exactly are you trying to say telling me Sometimes reminds you of me?" Zephyr knew he was kidding and smiled.

"Don't think about those parts!" he shuffled closer, wrapped an arm around Alonzo's shoulders and took his chin in his other hand, leaning in close to sing "Sometimes I just wanna kiss you, and tell you I lo-"

"Zeph, don't start singing a different song over the one that's already playing! That just gets confusing."

Zephyr stared at him blankly for a moment, then got up and turned off the CD player behind the couch.

"Hey, that's not what I meant!"

Ignoring Al, Zeph stood behind him, bringing his arms around him and essentially trapping him there. He smiled and rested his chin on Al's shoulder, "Sometimes I just wanna kiss you, and tell you I love you, sometimes...!"

Zephyr pressed his nose to Alonzo's cheek but before he could kiss him, Al had pulled away, a teasing smile on his face.

"Cute. But it's still not our song. So put Catalyst back on!"

"Or I could just keep singing to you instead..."

"Then how are you supposed to kiss me?"

Zephyr sighed and rolled his eyes, "You're ridiculous, Al."

"Ridiculous isn't our song, either," he was clearly having fun winding Zephyr up. And Zephyr couldn't even be mad about it. He stepped back, holding up his hands, and turned away but that just made Alonzo giggle.

"Admit it, you love this."

Zephyr was finding it so hard to pretend to be annoyed as he scrubbed his hands down his face, "Oh, my Z, I am gonna-"

"Kiss me?" Alonzo tipped his head back against the couch to look at him, one eyebrow quirked and a playful smirk tugging on the corner of his mouth.

Forcing back a smile, Zephyr pointed at him and tried to glare but the way Al was pouting now was just too damn cute and he couldn't hold it.

"You need to stop," he meant for it to sound threatening but it came out as a laugh. Al propped his elbow up on the cushion.

"You need to kiss me," he cocked his head to one side, but pulled away when Zephyr sat back down and leaned in, "After you put Catalyst back on."

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