Rizzo and Zane: Business

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(Hey, if there's still anyone left who hasn't seen - the Big Project has begun! A fic in the form of a TV series screenplay~ But it's staying exclusively on fanfiction.net so go check it out on there...! Same username and everything ^^

Now we're once again bringing back a couple of BG zombies I've already written about, Zephyr's twin sister Rizzo and her best friend Zane, who works at the cauli-brains stand. I love these two, they have a fun dynamic. And I'm thinking a lot about Zephzo lately (I have some dialogue written for future Limelights with them already and I've been throwing around a lot of ideas on Tumblr) so I couldn't resist mentioning them too)


She could be a handful at times, but Zane wasn't afraid to admit he sincerely enjoyed these talks with Rizzo. She was pretty much his favourite zombie to be around. Even if she did tend to exaggerate, and obsess, and stick her nose where it didn't belong.

"Why can't you just leave him alone, Riz? We all know they're gonna get together sooner or later."

"Yeah, and sooner or later isn't good enough. Have you seen those two? They can't keep their hands off each other half the time. The truth's gotta come out!," she leaned back on the stand, and shook her head, "I can't take the suspense anymore. Zeph's gonna wear himself out like this."

"Right, it's Zephyr who's gonna wear himself out," Zane's eyes were on the small space on his stand taken up by her elbows, silently warning her that she was pushing her best friend privileges, "How about you stop interfering in your brother's love life and stay out of his business?"

"I'm his twin, his business is my business," she said it like it was obvious.

Letting out a heavy sigh, Zane put down the tongs and gave Rizzo his full attention.

"Do you ever think you might be trying to make up for your own lack of a relationship by living vicariously through Zephyr's?"

Rizzo frowned. "What are you talking about? I don't want a relationship. You know that."

"I know, I know," he held up his hands in defence, taking a moment to choose his words more carefully, "What I mean is maybe you're getting so frustrated over Zephyr and Alonzo because you subconsciously think you should want a relationship, and you're projecting that feeling by insisting that Zephyr should want a relationship."

She leaned across the stand, pointing a finger at him and shooting him a sharp glare.

"Don't you go trying to get all psychological on me, boy," she straightened up again before he could say anything, "Z knows I'm glad I don't have to deal with all that, I'm just sick of watching the two of them avoiding the subject."

He didn't answer, instead he chuckled and went back to work. Rizzo kept talking.

"Besides, Zephyr's not the only one. Alonzo's business is also my business."

"What makes you say that?"

"Please, everybody's business is my business. I don't have a choice, they make it my business."

"But they're not making their relationship-"

"Lack of a relationship."

"Their lack of a relationship your business."

The look on Rizzo's face just screamed 'Oh, honey'.

"I'd say they make it my business when I walk into the living room and see Zephyr with Alonzo practically curled up in his lap or snuggling into his neck."

"I think you're exaggerating."

She laid both arms on the surface and leaned forward, so far forward her feet lifted off the ground. She stared at him as intensely as she possibly could.

"You don't know the things I have seen."

"Off the stand," he waited until she had stood up again to continue, "You're exaggerating. If it's going to happen, it'll happen. Let them work it out for themselves."

"You're no fun," she pouted.

The conversation ended and it was quiet for a moment. Comfortably quiet, silence never seemed awkward or empty between them. A couple of customers came to the stand and stopped to talk to Rizzo while they waited for their food, Zane being grateful for the break. Once they were gone, Rizzo sighed.

"You see? People always making their business my business."

"Yeah, well, thank Z I'm immune to that."


"I don't make my business your business."

He was surprised when she snorted and bit her lip. She rested her elbow on the edge of the stand, her chin in her hand.

"More than anybody's, Zane, your business is my business."

"Since when?"

Rizzo shrugged, "Since I let you call yourself my best friend."

"Let me?" Zane smirked and quirked an eyebrow. Rizzo returned the look.

"Only the highest ranking zombies are blessed with the title of Mama Bear's Best Friend."

"And what makes me a high ranking zombie, exactly?"

"You give me free food?"

"Try again."

"Dammit," she snapped her fingers, still smiling, "Alright, 'cause you're the only one who doesn't dump all their problems on me all the time. Not that I don't appreciate them trusting me and all, I just need a break sometimes."

"And somebody to dump all of your problems on?"

"Exactly," Rizzo tilted her chin up and gently punched Zane's shoulder, "You get me."

And that's why she was his favourite. Because he could relax around her, and she could relax around him.

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