Zeke and Izabelle: Hypocrite

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(Ah, finally! Back to Limelight~ Happy Bonzo Day, everyone, today the boy is gonna have a little talk with his cousin ;p

Btw, don't think that Tattooed Mistakes is the end of my angsty multichap BGZ fics, I have an idea in mind for another one~ Not nearly as dark as TM, though, don't worry. But sad. It's sad)


On that last day of school before Christmas, Zeke and Izabelle walked inside hand-in-hand with Fritz and Diaz close behind them having seen the whole thing go down. They had easily guessed Zeke had a crush some time ago, he never had to tell them, but they were shocked to find out the two had been quietly making progress without their knowledge. Then again, his friends knew better than anyone that if you asked Zeke Blakeley to keep a secret, he would take that secret to the grave (pun not intended).

The four of them entered the school and immediately drew everyone's attention. They all knew far too well what kind of person Izabelle was and seeing her holding hands with the (usually) kind-hearted Zeke was... well, let's just say they weren't the standard Seabrook couple. But Zeke's smug smile seemed to be enough to keep them quiet. Either that, or it was the understanding that Iza would rip anyone who dared question it apart in a matter of seconds.

When Riza and Zadie saw their interlocked hands, they froze. Izabelle avoided making eye contact, looking down and biting her lip instead, but then Zeke nudged her gently and smiled teasingly at her.

"C'mon, no need to be embarrassed."

She just hummed in response. For a split second, Zeke glanced past her, back towards the door, "There's Hazen," he noted and sure enough, when she followed his gaze, she saw him walking through the door with Suzanne. Zeke looked back at her, then briefly over to her friends, before lifting their joined hands up to his lips, "Better go tell him the good news," he kissed her knuckles and dropped her hand, "And you might wanna get those two to quit staring." With a nod towards Riza and Zadie, Zeke was gone, Fritz and Diaz trailing after him. Izabelle sighed and rolled her eyes at the sight of the girls and made her way over. She came to Zadie first and swiftly smacked her upside the head.

"Snap out of it, it's not that a big a deal!" she hissed.

"You're official?" were the first words out of Riza's mouth and Izabelle frowned, "You're officially dating Zeke?"

"... Yes?"

"Ya hear that Zadie?" Riza grinned and lightly smacked Zadie's arm, "I win."


"I said they'd be official before the end of the week. Five bucks. Fork it over."

"Can't I just owe you?" Zadie whined.


Grumbling, Zadie began digging through her pockets and glared at Izabelle, "You couldn't have given it a couple more days?"

Izabelle shook her head, "No way."

"So, spill," Riza demanded, "What happened?"

"I saw him at the gate and I've been avoiding him all week. I just..." she shrugged, "Couldn't do it anymore, I guess. I was getting sick of all the drama. If I want something, I'm gonna damn well take it!"

"You know what this means, right?" Riza asked with a smirk, almost making Izabelle take a step back. It was always wise to remain cautious when Riza made that face but it turned out she was safe this time. Riza placed her hands on Izabelle's shoulders, looking her in the eyes, "You have a boyfriend."

"... I have a boyfriend...!" How hadn't she thought about that yet?

Riza let go of her, "Zeke is your boyfriend."

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