» storms

59 7 1

there are storms within me.

the clouds gather, one at a time,
the sky growing so grey
so slowly you couldn't tell
   ( that's fair, by the way,
      i couldn't tell either )

and then the rain comes, 
all at once, in a flood of tears come
lightning quick words,
and thunder and thunder and thunder 

till the storm quiets and
the sun comes out
and the only clouds in sight
are the cotton candy wisps in the sunset

but you can tell it now, can't you?
the sky's just a bit darker than it was 
only a minute before, the temperature
dropping less than half a degree, can't you
feel it?

you should be used to my storms by now, yes?
i mean, you of all people should know that
it's the most i can do to keep the sun shining even
as it dips behind my slowly gathering clouds.
and because this sun is the only thing you're willing to see
my storm always takes you by surprise.

there are storms within me – 
i am not clear skies + sun.

[ 2.11.21 ]

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