» in the end

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tw // sh, intrusive thoughts

because in the end?
in the end, i'm a desperate little girl
walking fast through the night
moving from one hell to another
never really stopping,
just moving
writing pathetic stories that will never be read
and hissing feeble, twisted words 
that were dripping blood in the beginning
and barely healed in the end
 reading someone else's pain
knowing that band-aids don't fix mental scars
though that's all i can offer
digging my nails into my wrists to distract them from the pain

and once i started out like the hope i write about
once i started out golden and intelligent and bright
but it's the end, and the curtain swished shush,
 and in the end i'm just a desperate little girl. 

[ 5.22.21 ] 

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