» a demon's dream

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my dreams last night were coated in
maroon —a sure shade you'd live in it,
find a home amidst my comfort, 
again and again and again —
and sure enough, you sat cross-legged between
the border of my dreams and reality,
just sitting there, waiting for me. 

should i know what to expect?
wait for you to look around and say with a hiss these are your dreams?
and a lament about how you never dreamed, no,
just had unreachable wishes painted in the color of sleep 
and i would reply those are dreams ( and silently, i'd ask for you to leave mine )

with a roll of your eyes, you'd tell me in that annoyed look of yours
some words i do not hear,
some about how these are such childish fantasies:
a home where i can be comfortable in and away from my biological family,
a good job, knowing i am loved.

you show me a city i stand above ( a world to rule ),
a boy identical to you beside you. my dreams, a genuine smile —
reliving a dead brother and building a new world.

in this dream, you extend your hand. 
join me, you whisper, almost like a calling.
my dreams can come true. you can be in them.

instead of with those weak, crying children
you call your friends.

there are demons in my dreams tonight.

[ 7.2.21 ]

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