» tissue

31 6 6

someone once shipped me with you
he said that if i stopped talking about
"my love for you" maybe i wouldn't get
shipped with my fucking abuser and
he pretends to be a good person but
what person ships me with my abuser and

it's not like you were better

it's true though, i did or i do love you
and it's a puddle of confusion in my brain
because you were my friend and
do i need more of an explanation than that

i don't think the idiot knows that
there are more than one type of love

but it doesn't change
the fact that to you,
i was a tissue, to be
used and discarded and

you say you love with your whole
heart and can hate with it too,
but in that pm you wrote i got a pathetic
excuse of an apology and resisted
when after six months i fought back and

do you love me for being someone to wipe
your nose on or
do you hate me for being better

[ 3.25.21 ]

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