» the before time

52 6 16

thirty minutes before
we scatter up stairs
all five of us in cream colored dresses
our sashes and ribbons
in deep red, night blue, violet, rose pink, lime

twenty five minutes before
the stage is empty
it's my favourite feeling
running through the wings 
seeing shadows
being the children we're told to be 

twenty minutes before
clara comes and the boys too
bustling ( but quiet ) 
the wings are aflutter 

fifteen minutes before
we sit in a circle, huddled together
mafia? yeah let's play
and we weave stories 
the boy playing with us gets killed first

ten minutes before
they play a summary
of the nutcracker
it lasts so long
the audience doesn't care

five minutes before
clara gets in place
we watch her from the wings
we'll be on that stage too 

zero minutes before
the lights dim
the orchestra begins
and we hold our breath
the curtain opens

and we fly

[ 2.17.21 ] 

a.n. sorry i've been posting so much hjhjkdfh yeah im sorry 

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