» the hole in my door

42 8 3

there is a hole in my door

my parents know there is a hole in my door

they look through it sometimes
when i'm dancing
when i'm reading
when i'm writing

( the writing's the worst 
they can't fathom the idea of
a child with a computer 
and a mind full of ideas ) 

i write in my head just before i sleep
i can't write them down 
they will read it

( as we all know,
i'm a teenager, and
everything of mine
is theirs too )

( except my pain
that's all mine
and god forbid
they take some
of the burden ) 

i write quickly
fully formed ideas
on my computer
then press publish 
and close it and pray 

because there is a hole in my door
and when i write
it's never truly private.

[ 2.21.21 ]

a.n. this is true, and i'm getting tired of having to hide my thoughts because my parents think everything of mine is theirs

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