» the car

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i almost got hit by a car here
on the curve of the road
the one where the small street 
turns into the busy one

you told me i could've dented the car
i should've been paying attention

it was a dull grey, metallic, speeding, brake
the woman inside it cared more than you
at least she was crying

and i swerved over, fell down, 
got back up, stared like a deer in headlights
my eyes wide
i didn't cry until you turned on me and yelled

i was ten
i was going to the library
i almost died and
you told me i could've dented the car

there are bigger fears now
a man stumbled by me
hair tangled and grey and eyes bloodshot
passed me and i tensed up 

but whenever i pass that road
it's the fear that hits me first
never the car

[ 4.29.21 ]

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