Chapter 2-Taurus

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I didn't say much to anyone after we decided Scorpio decided she would be going to UA. I didn't have much to say, sometimes I couldn't shut up, but now I didn't want to say anything at all. I didn't take change well at all, Pisces, Aquarius, Scorpio, and Capricorn left me alone, knowing I wouldn't say much to them.

Sometimes I wanted to be as carefree as them when it came to change. That's what went through my mind as I watched the other 11 Zodiacs sitting at a table, joking and laughing as if we had known each other since before we were born, which I guess we did, in a way.

For some strange reason, Aries had a whole separate fridge for meat and another fridge for everything else. I decided to make rotisserie chicken for everyone, and something vegan for Virgo, who was so picky with her food.

After that, which was dinner, Scorpio retreated to her house, and everyone else either decided to upload something on their YouTube channel, binge Netflix, or do something else completely random.

I tried finding something on Netflix to binge, but every time I started a show I got bored within the first few minutes of an episode and then decided to change into my red bathing suit, that said Pizza in capital white letter down my thigh.

I slid down the slick wet slide that went from my room balcony, down into the pool, I decided to swim a few laps, before remembering I stupidly left my towel on my balcony. "Well, there's a first time for everything. Even climbing up the wet pool slide." I murmur. Climbing up the pool slide was harder than I thought it would be, but I finally got up to my towel. Then I heard one of my favorite Reggae songs echo through my house.

I quickly tied my towel around my neck in a cape fashion, and hurried downstairs, and reminded myself to install an elevator for times like this. I opened the door gasping for air, to see Scorpio there, smiling like a sadist. "I hate you." I let Scorpio and closed the door behind her. 

"Really? You went swimming?" Scorpio questions. I groan but lead her up to my room.

"Turn around I need to change." Scorpio obliged, sitting down on my bed. I quickly dry myself with my towel and throw on a hoodie and sweatpants.

"So, how are you holding up?" Scorpio attempts to make small talk, before getting to her main point. We both leave the room, while I use the towel to dry all my wet footsteps from before.

"Can you please get to the point? I hate it when people beat around the bush." I beg while cleaning the water from the ground, making it look like I was groveling at her feet.

"Okay, okay. I want to make sure you're ok, with all this change, we've had the same setup since all our parents have died, it'll feel weird going outside of our usual routine." Scorpio explains. "By the way, you really need to install an elevator, going down three stories just to get to your TV is annoying." She adds. Even Scorpio thinks so!

After a few more minutes we finally get down to the ground floor without me telling Scorpio how I feel about it all. "I'll make some popcorn and we can binge something," I say, skirting her question, although I knew I would need to answer at one point this evening.

Scorpio gets comfy on my dark green couch, and reaches for my remote, while I go into my kitchen to get the popcorn machine started. After ten minutes, all the popcorn is ready and I get out a giant tub and pour all the popcorn in.

Scorpio had chosen my favorite show to watch, and I go comfy next to her, hogging all the pillows. "You gotta explain what's going on, I haven't watched Daredevil with you for a long time," Scorpio says, taking a fistful of popcorn from the tub, and eating it loudly. I launch into how I'm at the beginning of season 4 and what's going on.

After a few minutes, I had filled Scorpio in on everything, as she unpaused the episode. 

To an outsider, it would look like Scorpio and I were dating, and being extremely close to each other. But to any of the other Zodiac signs, they would say we're just tight-knit best friends.

When we finished a few episodes, and each is an hour, so it was evening, and we had finished all the popcorn. "You never answered my question. Are you okay?" Scorpio asks, right before she walks out the door.

I sigh but answer her question. "Scorpio, I've never dealt well with change but, this is your dream if I hold you back from this I'll feel guilty for the rest of my life, and you'll resent me for the rest of your life for holding you back, and I don't want my best friend to hate me."

"Good. We'll figure something out so that we can hang out one-on-one, or with the rest of the gang." Scorpio hugged me right after. I smiled and hugged her back. Then Scorpio closed the door, leaving me alone in my three-story mansion.

It would take me a while to get used to Scorpio going to UA, but I wouldn't hold my best friend from her dreams.


A/N: This chapter was shorter than the last one I know, but I wanted to get this out for one of my friends (you know who you are :D) and I couldn't write much here because I didn't know what to do.

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