Scorpius the Zodiac sign gets into UA. She strikes a deal with Principal Nezu that the rest of the zodiac signs can also attend the school, since techincally they are the same person. Principal Nezu agrees, but thinks that they should keep it secret...
Today was the day of the base raid. Everyone was geared up and ready. We were missing classes for this since it was earlier in the morning than I thought it would be.
We had a bunch of police members with us too, probably more policemen than there are heroes. Everyone was at the base by 8:00 AM but we only actually started the raid at eight-thirty, with someone reading a warrant or something to start us off.
Just as the man did the code to open the gates of the yakuza's hideout there was a man with an enlargening quirk who broke the gate with a punch. Three of the policemen flew up into the air and Midoriya flew up to catch them.
Ryukyu told us all to stand back and activated her quirk. Ryukyu grew and changed form. Instead of the hero, I'd come to know and love stood a giant dragon with Ryukyu's hero costume still on. She said that the Ryukyu agency would hold them off, and we all jumped into action.
I summoned my lion and swung myself onto its back, also grabbing Uraraka since unlike Tsu and Hado she couldn't move too quickly.
There was a guy with some sort of leaf ability that sent sharp leaves at us. One of them pierced my skin and a trickle of blood leaked out of the wound. Shit. I didn't expect these leaves to be able to pierce the skin. With their momentum and points, it should've been obvious but I didn't take that into account.
I made a wall of fire in front of the gate that made all the leaves shrivel up, and also effectively trapping the leaf guy in there. The big guy with the gigantification quirk punched the ground sending debris flying.
Ryukyu was able to send some of the debris away with a powerful gust of her wings, but some of the bigger boulders came flying towards us. "Uravity!" I yelled out.
"Got it." Uraraka made the boulder about to hit us float, and then she guided it into a place where it couldn't harm anyone. I commanded my lion to go to all the debris that was heading towards people, and Uraraka successfully neutralized all the dangerous debris.
Maybe twenty minutes later we got the guy-Katsukami- in handcuffs and breathed a sigh of relief as we could finally join the fight inside the compound.
Just as we turned to go inside the house we heard the Katsukami. "That quirk booster Irinka gave me is finally kicking in. All I need to do is breathe to steal your power!"
The three police officers around the criminal all collapsed as he breathed in. Shit.
Twenty minutes later we were all huddled inside the small shield Ryukyu made with her giant dragon wings. All of us except Hado since she was the only one who could get out of Katsukami's breathing range.
A minute later Midoriya came running saying that they needed help since the pros weren't making any headway. We needed to wrap up this fight with Katsukami.
Ryukyu body slammed the criminal and then commanded Uraraka to make him float. The three of us work-study students under Ryukyu combined forces to get Katsukami under control.
Midoriya appeared, using his quirk this time, and I cocked my head? Where was the other Midoriya? He wasn't over there. Whatever.
Mr. Compress appeared and came flying into the mess of us. "Get Nighteye to safety!" Midoriya yelled and then lunged for a little girl who flying through the air.
Midoriya and Chisaki had a fight-wait no it's better described as a battle. After their battle finished, people with casualties were loaded into the ambulances, including me. The corner of my vision was darkening, and the rest of my vision was probably soon to come. Katsukami probably did more damage on me than I realized.
When I woke up my vision was blurry and I rubbed at my eyes only to find that my arms were bandaged up. I looked around, to find I was in an unfamiliar clean white room. I looked down at my arms to find that they were bandaged up from my elbows to my wrists.
I pushed the blanket off of me and sat up so I could see if any other part of my body was bandaged up. Nothing else was. I looked out the window to see that it was probably in the middle of the day.
That night we returned to the dorms. Everyone crowded us, with their remarks of how worried they were. Sato welcomed us with some chocolate cake with some fancy name I had no idea how to pronounce.
Momo said she would brew some lavender tea, which would be paired nicely with the chocolate cake. Sagittarius pushed through the crowd that was our class and pounced on me, hugging me. "I was so worried! I mean I prepared myself all week since I knew when you were leaving but still..." Sag whined.
"Wait, how did you know the date we would have the raid?" I gave her a skeptical look but found no guilt in her eyes.
"I know your password. Last week I snuck into your dorm room and looked at your texts." Sag admitted with a shrug. I chuckled and playfully rolled my eyes. Of course, she did.
At least I was safe at home with my friends, who were more like family. The rest of the night was filled with us drinking tea with the amazing chocolate cake that Sato made, along with some chocolate chip cookies that Taurus had made. All in all the foods paired wonderfully together.
Though the entire evening my mind lingered on Eri. When would we get to see her?
A/N: Told you guys I would try to pump out one more chapter. And it worked! I love how shameless Sagittarius is when admitting that she looked into Leo's texts. Also, I helped my friend make chocolate chip cookies the other day, so of course, I had to sneak in the fact that Taurus made some.
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