Scorpius the Zodiac sign gets into UA. She strikes a deal with Principal Nezu that the rest of the zodiac signs can also attend the school, since techincally they are the same person. Principal Nezu agrees, but thinks that they should keep it secret...
Another long day of training. I dived to the ground, in my redish-pink dragon form. At the last second, I shifted back into a human. And not on purpose. "Mew, mew, mew. Listen up, everyone! Tonight both classes are going head-to-head in a test of courage. It's your reward for a long day of grueling training," Pixie Bob announced. I sighed in relief.
Exhausted, I sluggishly cut up some potatoes. At least we would have the test of courage.
"Bellies are full, plates are clean, next up...!" Pixie Bob exclaimed
"The test of courage!" Mina cheered, pumping her fist.
"Sorry to break it to you remedial group, but you've got your extra lessons with me." I had a feeling Aizawa-Sensei wasn't sorry at all. I was glad I wasn't among those who failed, from the zodiac's only Taurus failed.
"Scorpio win for me!" Taurus called out dramatically as he was dragged away. Scorpio only waved bye with a wide smile.
We were all paired up and I was put with Libra. Scorpio was put with Aries and I strayed away from them, not wanting to hear that disaster. Scorpio and Aries went into two minutes after Todoroki and Bakugo. "What's that burning smell?" Pixie Bob asked.
"Look black smoke." Mandalay pointed within the forest. Black smoke? That's not right. None of us have quirks that can produce black smoke, except Todoroki and Bakugo, but they're not supposed to use their quirks, and 1-B isn't supposed to physically harm them so somethings up...
Two villains lunged out from right next to Pixie Bob and one of them hit Pixie Bob with a stick of metal. Her goggles broke, and blood spurted from her head. I wanted to go see if she was okay but there was no way I was getting near those two villains. Not with my quirk out of commission. "Mandalay! I...know where he is!" Midoriya yelled at her. Who was he talking about? It didn't matter who he was talking about, he just ran off into the forest.
"I'll follow him and make sure he doesn't get into too much trouble!" I tell Mandalay and Tiger and then run after Midoriya.
"Ha, ha, ha! Blood, I love it it's so much fun!" The villain in front of Kota and Midoriya said. He had his back to me, and Midoriya was on the ground. If I could turn my quirk can't be at its limits yet.
My skin replaces with fur, my nose becomes a snout. My senses sharpen. I can faintly smell smoke, faintly hear words if I really try, I can feel every grain of dirt underneath my paws, and I could see all sorts of new-looking colors. I leaned back slightly and pounced, using my teeth to grab onto the muscles tendons layered on top of the man's body.
The man shakes around, trying to get me off, but I hold on tight with my teeth, blood pooling under them. He finally gets them off, but his shoulder is now bleeding. He turns to me. "Another one of you brats?" The man snarled, and then lunged for me, but is pushed to the side by Midoriya who has green electricity surrounding him.
Midoriya managed to punch him. "What the...? That supposed to be your quirk? Pretty quick but..." He paused. "Way too weak." The villain pushed Midoriya off of him.
The villain started talking about his quirk but I didn't hear him. I just heard Midoriya hitting the ground. I pounced onto the villain again, digging deeper into the wound from before. He punches me off and I feel the full might of his muscles. I whimper in pain. He seems to be done with me and then turns to punch Midoriya with the full might of those muscle tendons.
The villain is bringing his arms down on Midoriya when a small pebble hits the side of his head. I turned to the owner of the pebble. "Water mom and dad...Did you torture them like this...when you killed them?" Unshed tears gather in Kota's eyes.
"Whoa, you're their kid? Damn this must be fate or something. Water Hose. They gave me this glass eye." The villain said, his attention now on Kota.
"Because of you and people like you...things always end like this!" Kota yelled. The villain responded but I didn't hear him. I just kept trying to get up. Soon that villain would go for Kota, and he's just a little kid. His body isn't accustomed to pain. I get up, on all four's this time.
By the time I'm up the villain is lunging for Kota, I pounce on him at the same time Midoriya jumps in front of Kota. I use both my paws and my jaws this time, biting into the muscle tendons, and then going deeper, deeper until the villain goes to punch me but Midoriya jams his broken arm into his arm. If Midoriya is going this far I have to get up, continue fighting.
I bite into the villain's arm, going deeper, and then going to the other arm, biting harder, and harder. With his strength, Midoriya knocks the villain away. I shift, my fur turning to skin, and my snout into my nose and mouth. My senses dull and I no longer smell the smoke, nor hear the screams. "Let's get back to camp." Midoriya leads Kota and me back. I'm exhausted, shifting back into my werewolf form isn't going to be possible.
There's some squirming behind us, so I look and see that the muscle tendons are reforming and the villain is getting up. "No way. No freaking way, that was a hundred percent." Midoriya muttered. But he was right. There was no way that villain could be getting up. I bit him on his shoulders, and both his arms. He must be running on pure adrenaline.
"S-Stay back." Midoriya stuttered. I could feel my eyes closing.
"Not a chance here I come. No stopping me now. Remember before how I said we were just playing. We really were, but now..." The villain trailed off, and my eyes opened, now wide awake because of pure terror.
The villain does something with his mechanical eye that turns it black. Midoriya takes Kota on his back, and takes my wrist, and then propels us forward with his quirk. For a second I think we're actually going to make it. But then the villain pounces, using his weight and flying forward, and blocking us from leaving.
Midoriya tells us to back up. Seven paces so that the villain won't try to run after us. I back away, putting Kota behind me so that he doesn't have to see anything. Midoriya is crushed by pure muscle, he's resisting but it's futile. Behind me, Kota summons a current of water to his hands and blasts the villain. "St-stop it." Kota stammers, tears reforming in his eyes.
"Wait your turn, okay? I'll kill you two when I'm nice and ready." Then the villain turns back to Midoriya, being crushed under the muscle tendons. Soon, the muscle tendons begin receding. Midoriya's getting stronger, pushing them back. This should destroy him? He's not used to his quirk and here he is, using it while his arms are broken. He pushed the villain off of him, and the villain slammed into the mountain, making a crater.
This time when Midoriya takes my wrist and Kota on his back we make it off of the mountain. He brings us to Aizawa-Sensei where he hands me and Kota over and tells him to protect us. Even though I wanted to come with him and fight, I couldn't. My energy was spent.
Our sensei gives Midoriya a message for Mandalay, and then sends him off into the forest.
Aizawa-Sensei brings me into the remedial classes room and tells me to stay there, but he didn't need to tell me to stay, my energy was gone like a shadow at night.
A/N: What did you guys like about this chapter? Personally, I liked the fact that Cancer finally got her big debut. Before she was timid, but that's just a Cancer stereotype, so I'm glad I got to show this side of her.
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