Scorpius the Zodiac sign gets into UA. She strikes a deal with Principal Nezu that the rest of the zodiac signs can also attend the school, since techincally they are the same person. Principal Nezu agrees, but thinks that they should keep it secret...
We're finally back in class after the training camp. Aizawa-Sensei is now explaining what we're about to do. "As I mentioned yesterday the primary goal now is to get you provisional licenses." Aizawa-Sensei began. Then he continued saying that the exam is extremely difficult and there's only a fifty percent chance of passing. It sends a shiver down my spine.
"That's why starting today each of you needs to come up with two...
Ultimate moves!" Ectoplasm, Midnight, and Cementoss finish for Aizawa-Sensei coming into the room at the same time. All three of them say something about ultimate moves.
We're ushered to Gym Gamma, which Cementoss created, calling it Training Kitchen Lab, or TKL for short. There's a square cut out of the floor, which is all cement that Cementoss uses to cook up the perfect terrain for us to train. Cementoss kneels, putting one cement hand on the ground. Tall towers of cement explode from the ground, thirty-two of them in total.
Everyone is given a tower of cement and one of the Ectoplasm's clones to use our ultimate moves on. I'm having a bit of trouble deciding what to do. The clone I was given comes up to me. "Having trouble creating a move?" The clone asked.
"Yeah. I don't have anything really special, unlike the other Zodiac Signs. Other than my gills, which only help me breathe underwater, and make me a little more piscine." I gestured to my gills, and then up to where Scorpio was, making some sort of move with her newly acquired tail.
"Well, just start thinking of what other abilities you have. As far as I know, you didn't always have these gills. What did you have before them?" The clone asked.
I summoned the two fish that are in a circle. "I have these two, but other than that there isn't much. I have power over water, but I can't make it appear out of thin air. I can only pull moisture out of the air and use that. I can turn into a siren or a mermaid but that's not very useful on land..." I trailed off.
"You can control these two fish, right?" I nodded. "Try using them as boomerangs, or something else. Remember to use every asset of your quirk." For a clone, he had good advice. But that did give me an idea.
"I think I have an idea for what to do." Ectoplasm gets into a fighting stance and so do I. Ectoplasm lunges and I send my two fish forward, they spin, like torpedo's, as they fly forward. They hit the clone and he explodes into the very thing he's named after. "Torpedo Fish!"
I turned to Ectoplasm."I destroyed the clone, can I have another one?" Another clone appears in front of me. My long black to ombre to pink hair in space buns turns blonde, and the space buns disappear. Instead of my hero costume, I'm wearing a white gown, and there's a metal trident in my hand, with some sort of blue gem embedded in it. I slam the trident on the ground. "Earthquake!" The ground shakes and a hole opens up under the clone. The clone falls and then the hole seals as if it was never there. I look around to see that everyone is looking at me, probably because I made the ground shake. I turn back into my normal form and all the attention is turned back to everyone else.
Later I decided to go down to the Development Studio with some of the other Zodiac Signs. First I had to get some adjustments made so that my costume would be waterproof and expose my gills. I added a few lavender accents on the costume, and then added little capsules of water on my belt so that I could rely on those whenever there was no water around. Other than that there really was nothing more to add. Hatsume wanted to use me to try a few of her 'babies' but I declined. I still got her number because she seemed cool.
In the evening the girls all gathered in the common room. "How're your ultimate moves coming along?" Hagakure asked, looking around at all of us.
"To be honest, a bit hard. There's really nothing I can do, other than the stuff you guys saw today." I answered.
"I have some ideas in mind but my body's just not there yet," Yao-Momo answered, looking a bit upset.
"I'm perfecting more frog-like techniques. They'll be a shock, even to you Toru." Tsu said, her hair up.
When we turned to Uraraka she was more spacy. Tsu tapped her on the shoulder. "Wa-!" Uraraka flinched.
"Are you okay? You seem a bit wiped out." Tsu asked.
"No, no I'm fine. I've still got miles to go...Or so I'd like to think so...It's just, lately my heads been all over the place." Uraraka looked down at her lap with a slight blush on her cheeks.
Scorpio sighed. "Me too. I should be focusing on getting a provisional license, but it's like my head has pushed all those thoughts away."
"It's love!" Mina exclaimed. Both Uraraka and Scorpio flinched.
"W-what? Glove! Shove! Dove! Never seen one! Not me!" Uraraka frantically waved her hands around.
"Is it Midoriya or Iida? It has to be one of those two, you're always hanging around them!" Mina exclaimed, and Uraraka curled up into a ball and put her hands on her eyes, and started floating.
"Noooo." Uraraka was saying.
"Spit it out! The truth will set you free!" Mina claimed.
"No that's not it, I swear. Seriously I...I don't know." Uraraka was upside down now and saw something outside that caught her attention. I wanted to see what it was, but I was too lazy to move.
"We have an early day tomorrow, so I think it's time to say good night," Yao-Momo said, an unmovable expression on her face.
"No way, I still gotta know. Try to change the subject and I'll flip it back to romance!" Mina whined.
"No use prying it out of her if she's not ready," Tsu said.
But Yao-Momo was right. Tomorrow was the test.
A/N: Just a bit before the next chapter. Which I don't know what I'm going to do yet. Probably Pisces.
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