Scorpius the Zodiac sign gets into UA. She strikes a deal with Principal Nezu that the rest of the zodiac signs can also attend the school, since techincally they are the same person. Principal Nezu agrees, but thinks that they should keep it secret...
"I didn't study at all!" Kaminari screamed, with a scared and alarmed expression on his face. Everyone started talking about Finals and what they would do.
"Sucks that there's going to be a practical exam too," Mineta said with a smug face. I'm pretty high up in the ranking, I think. I'm better at assessing real-life situations and what to do in them. But, Aquarius is smarter in terms of IQ.
"If anything just ask Aquarius or Momo for help on the actual exam. And for the practical exam, I suggest you come to one of the zodiac training sessions. Those always get wayyyy out of hand but we get shit done." I said, sitting on top of my desk.
"She's right, although I don't know how many more people I can get. I'm already tutoring all the Zodiac signs, and they're all idiots." Aqua said nonchalantly, even though he just single-handedly insulted every single Zodiac Sign.
Leo put a hand on her chest and tilted her head back, feigning being upset. "Ugh, how rude of you!" She exclaimed.
During lunch we found out, well Kendo told us, that she had a friend in one of the upper classes and they told her that the practice is just the robots from the entrance exam. Mina and Kaminari cheered since they couldn't use their quirks too well on humans.
For the rest of the week, we trained. I trained individually with the different zodiacs, then together, then alone, and a bit with the other people from class 1-A. Then we studied with Aquarius for the academic exam.
Then came the day of the academic exam. Aquarius had broken everything down easily and I understood the material. The Zodiacs were taking the academic exam here in UA since Nezu wanted them to be here for the practical exam.
Speaking of the practical exam, the Zodiac Signs will be taking it separately. We'll all be lumped in one group, against the entire staff, except Recovery Girl, who will be resting up so that she can heal us after.
We're going to go after everyone else, and they're not going to have All Might on their side.
First up was Kirishima and Sato vs Cementoss. They were down pretty quick since they attacked relentlessly, and eventually tired out, not able to get the handcuffs on Cementoss, or escape.
Next was Tokoyami and Tsu vs Ectoplasm. I was confident in the two of them, they were smart and would approach carefully and intelligently. And they did.
Ectoplasm sent clones at them but they fended off the clones getting closer to our math teacher, and therefore the escape gate. But Ectoplasm used his trump card.
Instead of sending out clones that were just like him, he sent out a giant clone and used a super move. The two were captured but Tsu gave something to Dark Shadow, who Tokoyami sent out, and then...Dark Shadow clipped the handcuff's around Ectoplasm's arms.
The third match was Iida and Ojirou vs Power Loader. It was an...interesting match-up. Power Loader could restrict the duo's mobility, which is what both of them relied on. So this was to test them to see if they could handle a villain that could restrict their mobility.
In the end, Ojirou got on top of Iida and Iida did his Recipro Burst to get them through the escape gate.
Next up Todoroki and Momo vs Aizawa-Sensei. We couldn't hear anything but Momo looked to be having an internal conflict as she ran away from Todoroki being strung up over a bunch of ninja stars. She came back and then she and Todoroki came up with a really complicated plan that involved blocking Sensei from sight so that they could get the handcuffs around him.
The next match was almost a loss. It was Aoyama and Uraraka vs Thirteen. Thirteen used her black hole quirk, while the duo was clinging onto a fence. Aoyama said something that made Uraraka let go, and then her hands touched her face, and she floated up, and then she got the handcuffs around Thirteen's wrists.
Mina and Kaminari vs Principal Nezu. This was exciting since no one knew the principal's quirk. He looked like a mouse, but we didn't know his actual quirk. Mina and Kaminari started in the center and the principal started in a tractor. He slowly destroyed everything around the dynamic duo, blocking the exit and trapping them in. I don't think they knew though, and they thought there was still some way they could get out. There probably was, since the teachers were supposed to hold back.
After that match ended we saw why he was the principal, despite being the smallest and most unassuming of the teachers. The match ended in a loss. Jirou and Koda vs Present Mic. Both of their quirks were sound related, and Present Mic had a sonic scream, meaning he could intercept their quirks.
Jirou and Koda hadn't moved after fifteen minutes, it looked like they were discussing something but we couldn't hear what. Koda kneeled to the ground and start talking to a bunch of bugs. That made sense. Since sound didn't travel as well underground, and the bugs probably didn't care.
The bugs made their way underground and then came up right next to Present Mic and climbed up his body. He shrieked and froze, Koda and Jirou got the handcuffs around him.
Hagakure and Shouji vs Snipe. This was going to be an interesting match. Snipe could shoot the duo with his quirk since even though they were stealth types Snipe had perfect aim. Kinda like Sag. Snipe was shooting them rapidly, the duo was hiding behind a pillar.
Hagakure went completely invisible, taking off her shoes and gloves. She made it to Snipe and got the handcuffs around his wrists. Then he accidentally elbowed her chest, to which she gasped and called him a pervert.
The ninth match was Mineta and Sero vs Midnight. It was going to be interesting since Midnight could get them down with one move. Sero got Mineta out of the way, by wrapping him up in tape, but sacrificed himself and was now sleeping on her lap.
Mineta ran away, crying blood because of how jealous he was. Recovery Girl started talking about how with the many mountains and obstacles the school throws at us you need to get over them while having a set goal in mind.
Then Mineta came back, having Sero's tape over his mouth and nose. He didn't look like much but the pervert was actually pretty smart. When Midnight came close he started throwing the balls off his head in rapid-fire, catching Midnight off guard, and he dragged Sero through the escape gate, granting them a win. Well, I wasn't sure about Sero, but Mineta had a secure win.
Now it was time for the last match. The one I was most scared about. Midoriya and Bakugo vs All Might.
All Might didn't hold back sending a barrage of blows their way. But the two weren't in sync at all. They didn't agree on anything. But, in the end, they compromised. Distracted All Might by fighting and then ran to the end.
Now it was time for all the Zodiac Signs vs Thirteen, Aizawa-Sensei, Present Mic, Cementoss, Midnight, Snipe, and Ectoplasm. A few teachers were taken out so that it would be fair, and so was Recovery Girl, since she needed her energy and stamina to heal people.
A/N: I was going to have all their fights in this chapter, but I realized it would be too long, and I don't even know if I want the fights to be in Scorpio's point of view. Or how this is going to go.
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