Scorpius the Zodiac sign gets into UA. She strikes a deal with Principal Nezu that the rest of the zodiac signs can also attend the school, since techincally they are the same person. Principal Nezu agrees, but thinks that they should keep it secret...
I clearly remember heading to my house, before I passed out.
But when I woke up I had a massive hangover, and I was sleeping in my bed. With Taurus sleeping in a sleeping bag at the foot of the bed. My head hurt like hell, but luckily Taurus remembered to close my black curtains, and there was no noise at all, except Taurus' soft snoring.
I quietly tip-toed out of bed and then put on an oversized sweater, and nothing under that. I made some lemon-honey tea and looked at the time to see it would be better to have brunch than breakfast.
A few minutes after I sat down and started eating biscuits, to go with the tea, Taurus came into the kitchen. "Here take some. It should help with the hangover." I say, sliding the cup of lemon-honey tea towards him. I had already closed all the blinds, so the kitchen was pretty dark, other than the small bit of afternoon light that peeks out of the cracks in the blinds.
Then Taurus' and I's phone's pinged at the same time. It was a text from Aquarius.
We had made a group chat with: Taurus, Cap, Aqua, Pisces, and me.
Aqua: By the way, after you and Aries left everything went to shit
Everyone took sides, except Libra. I think we're going to be in a bit of a mini-war now
Just saying
Taurus: well that's shitty
"Can you make some brunch?" I ask Taurus. He nods and sets off to make some brunch.
"By the way Scorpio, did you know where you passed out?" Taurus asks, heating the stove.
"Nope, don't remember, why?" I ask, eating some dragon fruit.
"You...You passed out near where we buried everyone's families." Taurus answers haltingly.
My eyes widened so wide you could probably see the whites around the top and bottom of my iris'
"Yeah. Aquarius was surprised too." Taurus says, putting something in a pan.
"Aquarius?" I ask, how did Aquarius know?
"I called him to help me carry you to your house. And I volunteered to stay the night to make sure you were okay in the morning." Taurus explains.
"Thank you so much." I thank him, finishing another strawberry.
Taurus winks. " That's what friends are for."
"What to make sure that I fall asleep in my bed, and that when I wake up I don't have a massive hangover?" I ask, and Taurus snorts from all his laughter. I crack a smile at my own joke as well, despite my massive headache.
Then Taurus plates the food. I got some sticky buns, which were made with a lot of syrup, and Taurus got the avocado toast that he absolutely loves.
"What are we going to do now? Everyone's in a mini-war because of me." I felt tears coming to my eyes but pushed them back. I don't cry in front of other people.
"It's not your fault. C'mon, let's do something fun. Get your mind off of things." Taurus slips into the seat next to me.
"Let's go stargazing," I say without hesitation. I knew Taurus loved it.
"We don't have to do something I like. Besides, I have something for you. We can do something here, at your house." Taurus says, before taking another bite of his avocado toast.
"Let's do something at your house. I don't want to do anything here." I reply, eating my sticky buns.
"Okay. But I still have a gift for you. Think of it as a 'Congratulations on getting into UA' gift." Taurus says, finishing his avocado toast, and directing his attention to me.
"I should be the one getting you gifts. Your birthday is in May, and I haven't even started shopping." I whine.
"I don't expect you to, it's the end of February, we still have a couple of months before my birthday." Taurus chuckles.
When we get to Taurus' ginormous house, I just sit down on his sofa, while he ran to his room to get the gift. I was nervous to see all the other signs again.
They would probably blame me, and what about Aries, and his gang? I didn't want everyone to take sides because of me, and now the guilt was eating me alive.
"I'm back!" Taurus yells, before jumping down the last few steps on the staircase.
Taurus had a box that you would get when you purchased jewelry. "Open it. I talked a lot with Pisces because she understands jewelry more than me." Taurus says, pushing the box towards me.
When I opened it I almost gasped.
Taurus got me earrings.
Beautiful earrings.
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my friend's sibling makes the best choices)
"I can't wait for your birthday," I say, which is a bit of my own thank you.
"Not to be a drag but, what are we going to do about the Aries situation?" Taurus asks, getting comfortable next to me.
I sigh and close the box. "I still don't know what to do. I just want to avoid him, until necessary."
"Ok, then I'll do that too. After all, what kind of friend would I be if I talked to him, after all, I did punch him in the face..." Taurus trails off, and then I realized what he said.
"YOU WHAT?!" I yell, surprised when no one came rushing over to the house to check on us.
Taurus sighs. "I punched him in the face, because when you stormed off, and I was going to go after you, and then he said that no one would care if you got hurt anyways, and then I kinda got angry and punched him," Taurus explains.
"What am I going to do with you?" I ask, acting like an upset mother.
"Well, I was planning to post on my Youtube channel, and you haven't been on my channel in a long time so...Do you want to be a guest star?" Taurus asks.
"Sure, it's not like I have anything else to do today." I agree. Taurus claps his hands like an entertained toddler and soon we're getting ready to go to his house.
A/N: So, I didn't really know what to do, but I just want to give some credit to my friend(GenTheFifthProHero), well I want to give credit to their sibling because they chose those earrings. I'm sorry if you think I'm dragging everything on, but I really don't want to do 2 Scorpio chapters back-to-back. The next chapter will be very interesting, just saying 😈😈😈