Scorpius the Zodiac sign gets into UA. She strikes a deal with Principal Nezu that the rest of the zodiac signs can also attend the school, since techincally they are the same person. Principal Nezu agrees, but thinks that they should keep it secret...
I was adding some more stuff to my room because recently I read a book, and it was really witchy, and I want to do that to my room, so I went out with Capricorn to find some antiques and cool things to put in my room.
And so, ever since I found out that normal non-scented candles could be different colors, I had been adding them by the dozen around my room. And a few scented candles too, because those also smelled amazing. Fairy lights were next on the list, so I was unrolling my multi-colored fairy lights when someone knocked on the door. "Come in!" I told the surprise visitor.
The door opened, and I caught a flash of yellow hair. The door opened wider and in walked Kaminari. He looked like he was about to say something, and then he looked around and smelled the air, probably having smelled my candy cane-scented candle.
He looked to have lost his train of thought and then having found it again. "I've been meaning to tell you something, ever since training camp." Kaminari paused, which gave my heart time to get excited. I silently told my heart to slow down, but it refused to listen to me.
"What's up?" I tried to keep my tone nonchalant, but excitement crept into it.
"Well, I really don't know how to say this, but what about the thirteenth zodiac sign?" Kaminari asked, and I blinked a few times in confusion. No one had ever asked us about Ophiuchus.
Ophiuchus is the thirteenth sign, supposedly, but he's never come to us Zodiac Signs. Let me explain. When all of the Zodiac Signs' quirks manifested, we would have awful symptoms if we were more than thirty miles away from each other. I would throw up for long periods of time until all the Zodiac Signs came together. We've worked on how far away we could be from each other, but we've only got it up to sixty miles. Anyways, back to Ophiuchus. Whenever we close our eyes and concentrate, we Zodiac Signs can see out of the point of view of the others. I never see Ophiuchus, and neither did any of the other Zodiac Signs. Plus, I've stopped throwing up, so Ophiuchus can't be out there.
"There is no thirteenth sign," I said.
He blinked a few times. "Ophiuchus and Cetus were there that night." Kaminari spouted. I felt dizzy. I dropped the fairy lights and grabbed the closest thing to me to steady myself. I was seeing black spots. I shut my eyes tight to try and steady my breathing, but it was no use. In, out. In, out. I cracked open an eye to see that the room wasn't spinning anymore, and those black dots were gone.
After I realized my vision wasn't fuzzy I noticed what I was looking at. Not the view of my room I saw before, but Kaminari's concerned expression. My cheeks flamed, and I stumbled back awkwardly. "Are you okay?" Kaminari asked. I nodded, and gulped, still feeling too close for comfort. It seemed Kaminari also realized how close we were, and his cheeks went red as a raspberry, and he stumbled backward.
"Fine. I need to go talk with the signs." Even though I didn't want to I practically ushered him out. I wanted to apologize, but it would probably sound fake and insincere. I slammed the door shut and slid down the back of it.
I took a few deep breaths and then took out my phone and texted the Zodiac group chat.
Zodiac idiots 🤪
Scorpio: We need to meet in Aries' room. Now
Before I could put my phone away, I saw Aries' avatar typing and waited to see what he would say.
Aries: Why my room?
Scorpio: Reasons I'll get to once everyone is there.
I made my way to the fourth floor and found Libra, Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius, and Leo already inside Aries' room. I plopped down onto a rust-colored bean bag and waited for the others to filter in.
"Are you going to explain why you called an emergency meeting to my room?" Aries asked, and I rolled my eyes.
"You lack patience," I said.
"Pot calling the kettle black, it seems." I gritted my teeth, not acknowledging the fact that he was right.
In the next few minutes, everyone had filtered in. "Now can you explain?" Aries asked.
"Ophiuchus and Cetus." I surveyed everyone's reactions. Leo and Sagittarius looked bored. Capricorn was thinking really hard. A few of the others had their eyebrows raised. I paid close attention to Aries though.
Aries had the slightest bit of panic in his eyes, which he quickly replaced with boredom. But I saw. "Apparently, they were there that night." No one needed any reminder of what 'that night' was. "And if they were there, that means that Aries would've seen them at the villains' base." I continued. I gave Aries an accusing glare. "So? Were they there?" I questioned.
Aries sighed, and I knew I had him. "Yes, but before you go crazy on me I never had the time to bring it up." He said. Too late. I was fuming. If I was any more angry steam would've been coming out of my ears, but I hid my boiling anger like I always did.
"There were plenty of times to bring it up! You didn't even have to say it in person! You could've just texted it in the chat, and we could've discussed it there! But you never brought it up." I clenched my fists tight. Tight enough my black-painted nails would leave a mark. I needed to calm down. If I wasn't careful I would punch Aries and that might leave a mark and that would bring up questions. Too many questions.
I could see that Aries was about to lose his temper. "Then you would've had the same reaction you have right now! You would've yelled at me, and say this was a serious matter!" Aries shouted.
"Because it is! And you can't seem to wrap your head around that! To you everything is just fun and games, isn't it! And when something doesn't go your way you start screaming like a child!" I yelled.
There was a knock on the door and both Aries and I turned to see who it was. The door opened slightly, and a familiar mop of green hair peeked out. "Hey, are you guys okay? The rest of the boys are really worried, cause there's a lot of shouting, and they sent me to check if everything's okay." Midoriya said, his concerned face poking into view. I exhaled slowly and put on a fake smile.
"Everything's fine. Our argument just got a bit heated." I gave Aries a glare that said not to say anything, and hopefully, he would listen for once in his life.
"O-oh okay, well, uh, that's g-good, I guess." Midoriya was shaking, probably from the look, Aries was no doubt giving him. He quickly closed the door and I heard his loud footsteps walk back to his room across the hall.
Without another word I left the room and took the elevator up to my room.
A/N: The first thing I want to say is to apologize for how long it took for me to update. I've just had a bunch of personal things going on, including having to be near my dad and his side of the family, which will make me commit murder very soon. And also my co-author is on vacation, and she has really bad internet where she is, so we can't communicate well, and it's kinda hard to write chapters together. And also I realize that a few of you might realize that on Aries' floor it's only boys, and that's only because that's the only place I could fit them, and there were no girls on that floor anyway.
The second thing is that I've had absolutely no inspiration for this. Like after the part that Scorpio fell, I didn't touch that draft until yesterday, when I finally acknowledged it, and then last night I promised that I would write this, and here we are.
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This is an adorable picture of Eri, and in the last panel you could see Eri as a little girl which is adorable.