Scorpius the Zodiac sign gets into UA. She strikes a deal with Principal Nezu that the rest of the zodiac signs can also attend the school, since techincally they are the same person. Principal Nezu agrees, but thinks that they should keep it secret...
A/N: Just to be clear this does NOT affect the actual story at all. This is just a fun special since I wanted to write something like this, and also, this goes through all the signs point's of view
Finally! The day had come. It was Halloween again. I'd been planning my costume for months. The concept was simple, but I needed to get all parts of my costume together. And this morning I found the final part of the costumesitting inside the mailbox that everyone in the 1-A dorms shared.
Now I was sitting in class, waiting for the day to be over. The last class we had was History, which was taught by Midnight. The bell was going to ring any minute now, and I could hardly contain my excitement. The bell rang, and Midnight wrapped up her lecture about the Salem Witch Trials, in America which was why Halloween was a holiday.
Midnight stepped out of the room, replaced by Aizawa-Sensei. Instead of just sitting down at his desk and grading papers like he normally would in PM homeroom, he stood up behind his desk. "Normally, I wouldn't be saying this, but you, class 1-A is not allowed to go to the Halloween party." Shouts of protest went up. There was a Halloween party every year at UA, thrown by the third year's. It got crazy. There was no better Halloween party to go to. Everyone dressed up. Everyone went.
"But that's not fair!"
"Why not?"
"Why only our class?"
Sensei's eyes started glowing and the class settled down. "Your class isn't supposed to go to the party because of the League of Villains If they put on some sort of mask, they can easily get in. And there's Toga who can become anyone else just by ingesting their DNA. With your guards down they'll be able to launch an attack, without much hindrance."
"But the entire school will be there! They'll have to be able to pick twenty students out of a thousand! There'll be the teachers protecting us, and all the other students with quirks!" Kaminari protested.
"First of all, it's about six-hundred-fifty students, not a thousand. And Nezu has made his decision. It's too late to do anything about it." Aizawa-Sensei said. I rolled my eyes, and then the bell rang.
There was no way I wasn't going to the party! I had my costume all planned out, and there was no way I was going to let some villains ruin the party. And there was definitely more than one person who agreed with me.
All the zodiacs agreed, and most of the rest of 1-A did too. The only person who wasn't on board with the idea was Iida, but with enough persuading, he cracked. Every year all of us zodiacs would go with a theme for Halloween. This year's theme was mythical creatures.
I was going as a vampire queen. I had my black cape, with red on the inside, a low-cut scarlet dress, with a slit going up to my thigh. My hair was dyed red and black for the occasion, my nails painted red and sharpened into claws. Buying vampire fangs that wouldn't give me a lisp was hard but I found them, I had blood-red stiletto's on, which boosted me three inches up. I had black eyeliner, and to top it all off, today my crown arrived. I would've gone for my gem in the crown, but it wouldn't've fit with the rest of the look, so instead, I put in rubies.
(The crown:
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