Scorpius the Zodiac sign gets into UA. She strikes a deal with Principal Nezu that the rest of the zodiac signs can also attend the school, since techincally they are the same person. Principal Nezu agrees, but thinks that they should keep it secret...
I watched Leo suspiciously as she scaled a wall swiftly, along with the rest of the work-study group. I zeroed in on her gold-painted nails and noticed that one of them had broke, and there was dirt on all of them. Normally Leo would've complained about breaking her nail or getting dirt on them, but she scaled the wall without complaint, and that wasn't normal.
During lunch, Leo and I sat at Midoriya's table like we usually did. I turned to Leo, and I noticed that she had hardly touched the food we made together last night for today. Normally, Leo would've devoured it as soon as we sat down at the table. She seemed to be in some sort of trance, staring into space. "Leo...what's wrong?" My question seemed to shock her out of her trance.
"What do you mean? Nothing wrongs." Leo chuckled nervously, and her eyes shifted, looking around at everything but me. I narrowed my eyes at her.
"Don't lie to me. Anyone with eyes can see that something's bothering you, so...what's wrong?" I repeated. I noticed Iida and Todoroki talking to Midoriya about the same thing.
Leo sighed, and I knew I had her. "It's nothing, really." I narrowed my eyes at her again and waited for her to add something on, but she was shut tight as a lock. That's fine. She would tell me when she was ready.
Two days later, at night I watched as all the work-study students formed a small circle away from us without work studies. They were talking about something in hushed tones, holding up their phones. I narrowed my eyes at them. Then I turned to Jirou.
"Hey, Jirou, can you tell me what they're talking about." I cocked my head towards the work-study students.
"Wouldn't that be an invasion of privacy?" Jirou arched a dark purple eyebrow at me.
"Please?" Jirou cracked and plugged her earphone jack into the ground. After a few seconds, she turned to me. "They said: 'The date's been set!' They didn't say anything else, though..." Jirou trailed off. I sighed but thanked her.
The next thing I needed to do was go up to Leo's room. I punched in Leo and I's floor number into the elevator and waited. The elevator doors opened and I found Leo just before she went inside her room. "Leo, we need to talk," I said, Leo, turned to me apparently just noticing that I was there.
"What about?" Normally Leo tried to copy my attitude and be chill all the time, but right now she was the exact opposite.
"Your work-study," I said nonchalantly. Leo stiffened up. I narrowed my eyes. "Tell me what's going on." Instead of being cool and calm, I was being forceful, but I didn't care. I needed to know why Leo was acting how she was.
"Nothing's going on." Leo tried to brush it off but I saw past the fake smile that didn't reach her eyes. I wasn't going to wait for her to tell me.
"That's good because I don't want your work-study to distract you from your academics." I plastered on a fake smile that Leo would probably see through on normal circumstances but right now she accepted it and went inside her dorm.
At night I waited for everyone on my floor to fall asleep, and then I silently tip-toed out of my room and shut the door. I put my ear to Leo's door and listened to her breathing for a moment to make sure she was asleep.
Silent as a shadow I turned the door handle and then quickly slipped inside Leo's room before silently closing the door. I was submerged in darkness. I waited for my eyes to adjust and into my view came the familiar site of Leo's room.
Right next to Leo's sleeping figure was her phone. Bingo. I didn't need to tiptoe since Leo had a fluffy carpet on the floor that perfectly muffled my footsteps. Leo's phone was still in her grasp so I had to pry it out of her hands. She stirred and I froze, but it was a false alarm.
I quickly opened Leo's phone and was delighted to find it was on the lowest brightness. I did her password which was just her birthday and went to her messages. She didn't text anyone after checking her phone before so the only thing I needed to do was click on her most recent messages.
I skimmed through the messages since I didn't have enough time to read everything. I was shocked by what I read. Apparently, a little girl named Eri's body was being ripped apart to make bullets that can temporarily erase your quirk and bullets that can boost your quirk. She was being held by a villain group named the Shie Hassakai, and all the heroes and students doing work studies were going to raid their base in one and half weeks.
I put Leo's phone carefully back into her hands and then slinked away. I got what I needed.
A/N: Late update I know, but I have a feeling updates are going to be slow when school starts so I'm going to try to pump out another few chapters before school starts but no promises.
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