Scorpius the Zodiac sign gets into UA. She strikes a deal with Principal Nezu that the rest of the zodiac signs can also attend the school, since techincally they are the same person. Principal Nezu agrees, but thinks that they should keep it secret...
A/N: If you're a Libra please message me so I can dedicate this chapter to you
Out of everyone waiting for the letter from UA I had the most anxiety. Mostly because each sign had a disorder, and mine was anxiety.
(A/N, A few things to know for this chapter:
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There wasn't even much I could do to get my mind off of it. Virgo and Cancer tried to get things off of my mind, but they couldn't do much. They suggested that we go somewhere, like an amusement park, even though we were teens we loved going to amusement parks.
Still, though, nothing worked, I could hardly eat or sleep, and when I did eat, I never felt too good after. I busied myself with trying to fix anything in my ginormous that was broken. Bathrooms, kitchen appliances, the one elevator Virgo installed.
I also tried tending to my giant garden, and I added in a cool swing in my backyard, everyone else had a pool or something cool like that, but I didn't want a pool, it would be more maintenance, and I like being independent, so hiring someone to take care of it wouldn't sit right with me.
Everyone else wasn't doing too well either everyone's disorders were acting up. Leo, Cancer, and Pisces were the most dangerous with their disorders, we had to make sure Leo didn't burn anyone's house down. Since Cancer was one of my best friends, I had to make sure she didn't harm herself too much. Since Pisces had schizophrenia (Skit-zo-fray-neia) she heard voices sometimes.
Some voices told Pisces she could fly. Others said we weren't good people, it was pretty scary sometimes because her thinking and behavior patterns changed.
So, you couldn't imagine our relief when Scorpio found a letter with the UA seal on it.
I was petting my small pomeranian, Marshmallow when I heard a scream and quickly rushed outside.
Scorpio's modern-ish house was right across the street from mine, so I dashed across the street, like a dog seeing its owner after a vacation.
When I got to her house Virgo and Capricorn were already by her side, and I could see everyone else walking out of their houses. " What happened?" I ask.