Scorpius the Zodiac sign gets into UA. She strikes a deal with Principal Nezu that the rest of the zodiac signs can also attend the school, since techincally they are the same person. Principal Nezu agrees, but thinks that they should keep it secret...
It was dark outside and having finished my weekend's homework I've decided to come down to the living room to sit and relax, as were a few others. I was playing Minecraft on my phone, with Taurus, it wasn't close to the one on P.C but it was enough for me.
I had started a new world and was just getting stone tools, and planning out a house that was supposed to be built out of black or red concrete. Or both. There was a loud screech upstairs and I raised an eyebrow.
To any normal person that would sound like a harpy or some other bird, but I knew that it was Leo. "I wonder what's wrong this time," Taurus said in an amused tone. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.
Kirishima and Kaminari were looking at us confused. "What do you mean?" Kaminari asked, right as I started digging up some clay.
"That's Leo. Some sort of fashion emergency must've happened, or something of the sort." I had already dug up half a stack of clay. The two of them relaxed slightly.
"Shouldn't we go check what's going on?" Kirishima asked us, his eyes flicking between Taurus and me. I already had a stack of clay, which was good because Taurus was supposed to get the other stack so that we could start construction. He didn't mind having a black and red color scheme, and me handling all the actual construction, as long as he could do the interior decorating, as he was much better at that stuff than I was.
Before I could respond the elevator came down, and Leo stormed out. If looks could kill I would be dead. Slaughtered. My blood streaming out in a puddle while everyone sobbed over my death. But as they couldn't I was fine.
Leo looked like hello though. Her hair was out since she was probably relaxing for the evening and didn't bother to put it up, and strands of it were sticking out. The space around her eyes was devoid of eyeshadow and any other makeup products, her blue eyes holding that if-looks-could-kill-you'd-be-dead vibe. Her normally red-painted lips were pulled back in a snarl, and she was gritting her teeth together. Her hands were balled into fists, her gold-painted nails digging into her palms. "You." She hissed and advanced, talking long strides towards me.
"What's up?" I asked with a lazy smile as if she didn't want to slaughter me right where I stood.
"You. You did this." She seethed, not explaining anything.
"If you wanna fight we have to do this outside. Way too much blood would get on the couch." Leo grit her teeth together and grabbed my wrist, pulling me up with more strength than I expected.
"You're stronger than last time we fought. Although I don't remember the last time we fought. I only remember people who are strong though, so maybe that's why." I goaded. I dropped my phone on the couch and gave Taurus a two-fingered salute goodbye. "If you want to fight that's fine. I won't be the one who ends up bloody waiting for a prince charming to save them." I said in a saccharine tone with that lethal sweetness.
"Fuck you." She grit her teeth together.
"Ah yes, that explains everything about the situation. Thank you for this explanation that helped me understand everything that's going on in your life that you've decided to blame on me." I said.
"Uh, Scorpio, maybe you shouldn't-" Kirishima said, but Taurus interrupted him.
"She's fine." He said simply, and I was grateful for his intervention.
The only time Leo paused in dragging me was when she opened the door to the dorms and thrust me outside. I guess we're going to fight now. As soon as we put the right amount of distance between us, there wasn't any warning before Leo ran forward.
She was building up speed and momentum which wasn't a good combination. A split second before she rammed into me I moved to the side. Leo stopped herself and then flung herself at me again, her hands balled up into fists.
Leo was strong and had purpose, but she had no technique, and hardly any fighting experience, except for her work-study since her internship didn't really give her any fighting experience. When I had her in a hold I asked her, "So, what happened that you've decided to blame on me?"
"Aries." She said before twisting out of my hold by kneeing me in the stomach. I didn't so much as hiss in pain, knowing that my lack of reaction would frustrate Leo, which would make her sloppy.
"Care to elaborate?" I asked as I dodged a series of roundhouse kicks. Leo didn't have much fighting experience or technique, but she was flexible from taking gymnastics for a few years.
"He broke up with me just now." She landed a kick to my nose, and a second later I felt something warm dripping down onto my lips. My tongue darted out to lick my lips.
I landed a punch to her side, and then a kick to the inside of her knees, making her almost fall over. "And what does that have to do with me?" This time I straddled her, making sure that she couldn't move her arms or her legs.
"He's been different ever since that day when you guys got into a fight with Bakugo." She said, trying to wrestle out of my grasp. "I noticed that he was acting a bit disconnected that day but I brushed it off. And then I kept brushing it off whenever I noticed. I chalked it up to anger when he stared at you or took glances at you when he thought no one was looking. But I was looking." Even in the dark, I could see tears starting to well up in Leo's light blue eyes. "And then eventually I stopped observing. I didn't want to see how distracted he was whenever I was talking to him, or how he never seemed into it when I kissed him. And then, there's today. When he broke up with me." Tears streaked down her face. I loosened my hold a bit, and Leo took that exact moment to squirm out of my grip.
I walked back into the dorm room building thirty minutes later with a limp and blood in my hair, face and splattered on my arms. I was on a blood high and probably looked like a madwoman. But did I care? No! I felt fucking amazing! Like I could surf the stars! And kill every person who even looked at me the wrong way!
Almost the entire class was crowded in the living room. All of them looking at me in concern. I couldn't take the smile off my face even if I wanted to. I felt too damn amazing. "Scorpio, you won?" Taurus asked as if it was even a question.
"Of course I won! In fact, I feel like I could surf the stars! Or kill All Might! I'm over the fucking moon!" I smiled in glee, and the smile on Taurus' face faded away.
"Someone go check on her," Taurus whispered. Well, it was supposed to be a whisper but my vampire ears could pick up the words. I could even hear the spiked heartbeats of a few of 1-A.
"They don't call us vampires for nothing. I can hear everything you say. And you're right you should check on her before it's too late."
"I-is she dead?" Aries asked with a stutter and my eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Why did he care? He just broke up with her. He was indirectly the cause of all of this.
"Why do you care?" I paused, then decided to throw them a bone. "No, she wasn't dead when I was last there. But a lot can happen in a few minutes."
A/N: The last half of the chapter was weird I agree. So first off, I want to say that this wasn't meant to happen. Leo was supposed to be all chill with Aries, and be like 'Yeah I knew this was happening whatevs' but then I was like, she's a fire sign, she's not water or air, she'll react over the top and crazy. So this happened.
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